Tag Archives: laughter

The Return of the Two Yutes……..

It has been an exciting day! Stephanie and Scott returned from New York a day early and we spent the day hanging out at home. Stephanie made candy with Amanda, and Scott and I drywalled a few spots we have been meaning to in the basement. We accomplished a lot, but more than anything it just felt good to have them home.

Ben of course is beside himself! He is SO EXCITED to play with them both. They all miss each other and it is no wonder…..when they are together they play hard! The three of them laughing together is perhaps my favorite sound, and I was so blessed to hear that all through the day.

There is no other news besides that, but for me that is enough! I will go to bed tonight quite content! God is good, and He has blessed me with wonderful children, many smiles, and a lot of laughter.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Of being careful of what you ask for……..

Though Scotty has written devotions for me before, yesterday was the first time he sat down and wrote for me on this blog. It really was a welcome gift to me. He had been with me all day and he knew I was very tired. But more than that, people seem to enjoy his writing. For 15 years old, he is a pretty good guy (okay he’s a really great guy).

I should however clarify a few things that he wrote. First of all, I do not spray my cat with weedkiller, nor have I ever. (I must confess that I did, at two years old, rub down my grandma’s Persian cat “Lollipop” with Vicks – something that made Lollipop hate me for the next 20 years, but I was a toddler!) But the characterization of me and my cat by Scott is really unfair, and if I wouldn’t have to pay for his lawyer I would probably sue him for libel. If the truth be known, the cat (Puddy) and I are great friends, and she often contributes to this blog by sitting with me out on the back porch. And of course if you read this blog at all you already know that.

And, even though I have had a stroke, I do not (to my knowledge) hallucinate at all. Of course when I consider my childhood and adolescence, this whole “priesthood” thing could be one, but it is highly unlikely. I did take Scott to Burger King as we were driving back from working on our new church location in Nashville, but the only chickens I saw, big or little, were deep fried and served on a tray.

What I can say however, is that my kids (Steph and Scott, Ben is too little) have always clowned around with me and even made fun of me. It is a big part of who we are together, and we all enjoy it. (I dish it out too!)

When I had my stroke and they came to see me in the hospital, they brought with them (and excuse me if I have already mentioned this in an earlier blog, which is certainly a possibility) the “mystical camel of healing” (a plastic camel covered in cheap fur) wearing a surgical mask, and they also gave me a “stroke patient” key tag made for a PURSE (just in case I ever get one). They crack me up, and they laughed their brains out. I still have both (but still no purse) and we actually hide the mystical camel of healing in places that will surprise (really scare is a better word) each other just for fun!

You see, in the midst of all that was going on (having my stroke), I was pretty scared. I had LOTS of concerned voices around me, but what I really longed for was something normal. And I got it with my kids….thank the Lord!

But even now I want to be clear (though I am no longer contemplating my mortality) my kids are still clowning around. Things have changed here. No, I am not crazy or a complete dufus, but I am also not who I was just a few months ago either. I am very forgetful, I sometimes stutter, I get totally confused by things (and no, I was not that way before, nor do I think all people my age are) and I often just move along in a fog…..and in all of that they do what I need them to do…..they poke fun at me, and I am very glad they do. All this is a big change for them as well as it is for me, but all the laughter keeps it grounded. And though it’s too soon to tell if this will always be me, in my heart I know, even if it is, that I am blessed because their laughter and smiles I haven’t lost, nor ever will. Of all the things I could have lost, I am glad it was not that!

In truth, I hope Scott decides to write more for me, and as a matter of fact I was trying to talk him into writing a youth blog for our site weekly. But until I can convince him I am just going to bide my time. I know the Bible tells us that vengeance belongs to the Lord……and I agree. But you know the mystical camel of healing is looking pretty cold. It’s a pastoral issue. And I think, okay I am certain, that it wants to go to sleep right now…….in Scotty’s bed.

Nite, and God bless.


A Father’s Day for the ages……..

Today is of course Father’s Day and we started our wonderful Father’s Day celebration this evening at 5. Working on Sundays sometimes changes your schedule, and that was the case today. But it was a blast. Amanda made “chicken marsala” and it was great. And yes, as predicted there was cake…..carrot cake, and it was delicious as well. And my dad was even able to join us for dinner as well. What a great surprise!

The highlight of the day however had to be my gift from Steph and Scott. They are both musicians and they spent tons of time writing a song for me, which they had recorded to play for me. (The song apparently took 13 takes to get it recorded too…the 12th take, which they had recorded “perfectly,” Scotty’s microphone did not work on. So it was gonna be 13)

That song was one of the funniest things I have ever heard too. It made quite a bit of fun of me, and they cracked up as it was playing. (That was why they couldn’t do it live!) As a matter of fact, they were laughing so hard while it was playing that they had to get me and my dad the lyrics sheet so we could make out the words over their cracking up! And Ben enjoyed it too. He couldn’t understand what we were all laughing at, but he was just happy to be at a party! It was a great day.

So Happy Father’s Day to everyone. And thanks to my family for making it so special!

I hope all of you had a day as great as mine!

God bless!
