Tag Archives: kids

Coming in early for a rare, but appreciated day of rest…….

When I was driving with Deacon PT yesterday, he reminded me, as they often have to do (post-stroke) that I was scheduled at only one parish this weekend and I do not have to do a sermon at all. No offense, but that was pretty exciting news to me! I therefore have all of today to catch up with things around the house, print some bulletins, and go buy a couple of tables for St. Patrick’s……a delightfully easy day!

Tom make matters even better, Ben slept 12 hours straight last night, Scotty was not killed in his goalie-duty against Bishop Chatard High School (though he will not be walking without pain for days), and Steph and Amanda will probably head out to “run errands” meaning the ability to instruct or direct my day will be greatly limited on her part! (run errands probably means shopping). Needless to say, I am sure many men who read this may be jealous!!

So I am posting early to make my responsibilities later less or even non-existent, but am praying for the latter. God occasionally blesses me with a great one, and this day qualifies. And I am very optimistic that there is not too much out there that could mess this up!

God is good! I am thankful for this day!

God Bless you too my friends!


Oh me oh my, what to wear……….

Tonight Ben wore his “Brian Urlacher” Chicago Bears jersey and pants, giving me hope that at least one of my children will follow in my incredible footsteps as a Bears’ fan. Sadly I am alone in my hopes for him, since that outfit is one many pro ones he has…….oddly enough all the rest are Colts’ blue.

He wore it to the girls’ lacrosse game tonight and it struck me as funny. When kids are little they can wear jerseys and look cute. Ben was certainly all that too. But Steph and Scott both wear jerseys there and if I called them cute it would insult them. At some point kids move from being cute to being too cool for such childish things! Steph and Scott are both high school lacrosse players now and want to look and be tough. And of course soon, probably by 5 years-old, Ben will be in his first competitive jersey thinking he is tough too…..and from there it will last a lifetime.

I just love watching all three of them (especially in Bears’ gear) grow. I have been blessed with wonderful children, and all three of them remind me of God’s abundant blessings in my life. At least the ALL are Cubs fans. Baseball season is coming and I am looking forward to a house of unity and proper sportswear!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


The Return of the Two Yutes……..

It has been an exciting day! Stephanie and Scott returned from New York a day early and we spent the day hanging out at home. Stephanie made candy with Amanda, and Scott and I drywalled a few spots we have been meaning to in the basement. We accomplished a lot, but more than anything it just felt good to have them home.

Ben of course is beside himself! He is SO EXCITED to play with them both. They all miss each other and it is no wonder…..when they are together they play hard! The three of them laughing together is perhaps my favorite sound, and I was so blessed to hear that all through the day.

There is no other news besides that, but for me that is enough! I will go to bed tonight quite content! God is good, and He has blessed me with wonderful children, many smiles, and a lot of laughter.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Of learning that I cannot help it…….it’s just genetic!

Steph and Scott are becoming New Yorkers, at least temporarily, but they come by it naturally…..it’s in their blood. Scott shared tonight that he has been picking up on some of the family accent, which is no surprise since he is in our American Motherland! My Uncle Mickey told him that when he gets home he will be able to hear our accent here, and I suppose he is right. I always enjoy being with my family because the accents and language are different, and it reminds me of our heritage. We have a great family.

Oddly enough, I actually sound very much from New York, but only when I get mad. I have surmised that it is a connection from me being in trouble with my dad as a kid. My dad sounds pretty Midwestern, but if he gets mad, or if Notre Dame screws up (okay, that is the same thing) his accent clearly comes out. And though I have BEEN TO New York, I have never LIVED THERE. We often imitate what we know though, and the fiery NY temper is just genetic as far as I am concerned. My kids will learn from visiting that the NY that I really am honest when I describe my “concerns” I have with them at times as emotional (I prefer passionate). There is one thing I have learned from being a Tirman and that is that in no way is there a gray area in knowing how someone feels! That NY style is pretty straightforward. I am happy my kids will learn that blood is stronger than psychology from the best.

Anyway, both of them have checked in and I am off to bed. Tomorrow they head for the city itself where they will stay till New Year’s Eve. I am glad they are there and it makes me proud.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Heading east in my heart…………….

Just a few minutes ago Stephanie and Scott bid us farewell and left for New York City with their grandfather. My dad was born and raised in Brooklyn, and the kids have never been. He is excited to take them there for their first visit, and they are excited too. My dad’s wife Debby, and my sister Anna are also along. It should be a great time.

As for me, it was hard to see them go. New York City is a big place and not Indiana! I am sure they will do fine, I always have, but I will worry about them nonetheless. I will keep myself busy with Ben, and await their return.

Other than that, today has been a day to catch up on my rest as I have been able. I am still pretty wiped out, but hopefully can recharge within the next few days.

So anyway, no big news! I am from Indiana and I like it that way!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Back to the 80’s…..again.

Tonight we went “Back to the 80’s.” It’s the Noblesville High School Musical that Scotty is in, and a few other kids I know from over the years. It was awesome, and I am more than happy to tell you I will be there tomorrow and Saturday nights as well. I laughed pretty hard. And though I graduated from high school in 1979 and college in 1984, I still remembered all those songs. They were bad then, and are much better in parody!

We got to sit by one of my two college roommates (Jeff), his wife (also from college, Paula) and their two youngest boys. Their oldest son Evan was in the play like Scott was. And where Scott was this happy-go-lucky goofball student (yes, art often imitates life), Evan was the kids’ twisted and conflicted teacher. I don’t think Jeff, nor Paula, not I could have ever predicted ever having such a laughter-filled night provided by our kids, but we sure did enjoy it! I cannot remember laughing that hard in a long time.

“Back to the 80’s” made a lot of fun of a generation of which I was a part. It was convicting to say the least. Their “costumes” looked pretty familiar, and yep a lot of people talked like that back then. What we thought was cool looks pretty silly now, but I don’t mind being made fun of.

After all, they will have kids of their own some day and then it will be their turn. I am looking forward to it!

God Bless you my friends!

Fr. Tom+

Being thankful for the important and right things……

It has been a stressful day. Amanda and Ben are still out of town, and this morning Steph (who was driving) and Scott got in an accident with two other cars on their way to school. A friend of theirs was also riding in the car, and although no one was hurt, as a parent it still weighs heavily on your heart. I am so very thankful they are all fine. A car we can fix.

But the stress and worry has me struggling to keep things straight! I have a gathering tomorrow to be at in Nashville in the morning at St. Matthew’s, but I am supposed to bring quite a few things with me, and in the fog I am wondering whether or not I will remember. Fortunately people are pretty forgiving and what I do forget, if indeed I do, I can go buy someplace down there.

With all of it though I need to say I must now go to bed. The posting times of these entries do not reflect the time or time zone I write them in. It is now 1:30 in the morning and I am leaving in 6 hours. Stress and too many things happening is never my friend, but I will not make it worse…..I will sign off and go try and sleep.

Thanks for checking in! Say a prayer of thanksgiving with me today! I hope you have had a blessed day!

Good night and God Bless!


Of God’s Many Blessings………

Today when the kids got home from school their little brother Ben was in his jumper bouncing up and down watching that amazing educational show, “SpongeBob Squarepants.” Ben was laughing at SpongeBob, Steph and Scott were laughing at Ben, and I was laughing at all three of them. I have really great kids. They are happy, healthy, funny, and wonderful. I am truly blessed.

What that scene reminded me of however was the importance of taking time to enjoy life. A baby’s giggle, a smile, happy teenagers (and mine are happy all the time) are all just a few examples of God’s blessings around us! And I want to enjoy them!

Too often however, the happenings of this life can rob us of what God Himself wants for us. God wants for us to enjoy His Blessings! We certainly all have plenty of things that can weigh us down, but it’s often just a matter of where we are looking, where we are turning our heads. God’s blessings abound! But often we have to choose to look at them, or for them!

As for me, I live with many of mine, and today I am enjoying them! I have plenty of worries that can wait. For tonight my kids will be my joy as Amanda and I are going to watch a movie with them and eat some pizza on a night I have just declared as “movie and pizza night” (yep I am far less creative after a stroke). But for me, it will be a blast!

I hope this day you are aware of God’s many blessings around you. They are there on every side. Take some time to look for them and enjoy them.

I hope your day turns out as blessed as mine!

One week to go!!

Fr. Tom+