Tag Archives: intentions

200 and counting……..

Today marks the 200th post on this, “Tales of a Faithful Dragonslayer,” quite an accomplishment seeing as I started the daily posts to help recover from the stroke. It has been a joyful, though at times arduous task. But in the end it has helped get me to where I am now. I believe I still have a long way to go, but clearly my mind is far better than it was in April, and I want to thank all of you for coming along on this ride!

As I reflect back, I know I have run the full spectrum of themes and issues. Sometimes I just shared about my life and family, sometimes I spoke about the Church and faith, and others I clearly talked about my struggles in recovery. I am sure it has not always been pretty, but in truth I never expected it to be. My life is complex and has plenty going on. It has been healthy for me, a real gift, to be able to write about it.

At the onset, I never had the intention of that path for this. It was going to be far more serious. But God often has other plans for us, doesn’t He? I take it in stride. After all, I never thought I would be a priest. I figured I would be in medicine or something similar. My blog reflects the life I never intended to live. The Lord sure has a great sense of humor. But for Him and this life I am truly thankful.

So with that, I am off to bed. It has been a long day, and long weekend at that. May God Bless you as deeply or even more than He has blessed me! Thanks for checking in and following along. The Lord only knows what these next 200 will bring!

