Tag Archives: Indiana

A warm heart on a cold night……..

I saw some snow today for the first time this year and my life is now starting to make sense. After all, it is NOVEMBER, and November is a snow month as far as I am concerned. Though I enjoyed the 70 degree weather, somehow it just doesn’t seem right to me to do so. After all, I do not live in the Carolinas or Florida, I live in Indiana. It is supposed to get cold as it gets later in the year!

Over the course of my life, I even remember seeing snow in July one year, though I protested that too. I am sure the Lord just left someone else in charge of it all, and that they are no longer working in the home office.

I have to say however, that I am glad to see the Winter weather move in. As a native of Indiana it just feels right for it to be November and cold. And though I know that not everyone is happy about it, I do believe there are just somethings (like this) that are just best left to the design of God Himself.

Of course I am no longer on the porch typing these, but inside….not even the cat will join me for very long out there now. But I am just thankful for the opportunity I have to live the life I have been given. I have got it pretty good, and whether is be warm or cold outside, I consider myself very blessed. I hope your life is just as wonderful.

Stay warm! Goodnight my friends and God Bless.
