Tag Archives: ice

Hell freezeth over……….

I wish I could say today’s entry was about my beloved Chicago Cubs winning a World Series, but it is not. Sadly, this is to share that we had another freezing problem in the house. I was so glad I was home, but I was extremely upset that it was all preventable. The contractors, who still have yet to repair our home from the busted pipes, temporarily insulated between the new pipes and the wall, but only put insulation on the outside of the washer drain…..leaving it vulnerable to freezing, which it did.

The only good news in all of this is that the water that couldn’t go down a frozen drain only damaged stuff that was already torn up. The contractors were to start the repair/rebuild next week, and now that our house is full of drying equipment again, that work may not be delayed all that much. What upset me about all of this (at around midnight) was that it was all preventable. If the insulation was just put behind the drain, I would not only have a dry house, but clean laundry.

I already apologized to Mitch, who is a great guy and who had the pleasure of talking to me last night at midnight. He was horrified and apologized to me as well. I mopped up what I could and told him to come in the morning. There was no sense in risking waking up Ben with 4 or 5 contractors and industrial dryers. I just want my house back and I want some peace. Maybe by summer I can get it. By then my Cubs will be well on their way to making hell freeze over in the proper way!

God Bless……and if you come over, bring your skates.


Deeper and deeper…….

The damage to our house is more extensive than first thought. Though we got the water shut off, and a plumber to the house finally about 7pm (thanks Scott’s Plumbing), today the discovered water had seeped under the hardwood floors on the first floor. This led to the tearing out of the laundry room, first floor bathroom, and the floor in our hallway and most of our family room. I was able to wrestle the washer and dryer back into the torn-up house, but it is really all a mess. Steph and Scotty leave for New York City with my dad late Christmas day so getting laundry done is pretty important. Hopefully we will make some headway.

And if things were not bad enough, on my way to get the Pointsettas for Christmas services today our Volkswagen lost all traction (even at an extremely slow speed) and crashed into the curb while turning into the store. It is still there in the lot, undrivable. Now there will be yet another deductible….yuck. I had driven it all morning to Indianapolis and back. It was just icy as I came into Carmel. Sadly it was the only place I slid. Fortunately no one else was involved.

Anyway, I will not say “it cannot get any worse,” because I am too smart for that! Instead I will sign off for now and look at my sermon for tomorrow. It is suppose to warm up a bit. It doesn’t really matter though. I am just praying for a better day!

Keep the faith!!

Fr. Tom+