Tag Archives: higher

Taking off the lifejacket and swimming with the Lord……

I have been struggling quite a bit with things dealing with my memory….and it is killing me! I read books all the time to help me get some of it back, yet I still have to go back and reread (and reread) things over and over. For instance, even now, I have little comprehension of all the Chronicles of Narnia books Scotty and I read over the summer.
Amanda’s blog last night, which I so much appreciated is another example. When we talked about it today I hadn’t a clue what she wrote. I reread it again tonight, and to be honest I still don’t remember it just from a few hours ago. It is terribly frustrating, and though I hear people time and time again sharing how they forget things all the time and not to worry, it remains at the forefront of my thoughts because it is my basic operating system. In computer language, it’s not like some game or program not working, it’s my WINDOWS, and it is not just frustrating, it’s scary.
I suppose if there is any blessing at all in this it is that I am not a surgeon, particularly YOUR surgeon. In converse, I am currently the ultimate guy you would want to owe money to I suppose too, though I am sure that you don’t! I know that it is often considered taboo to make fun of such things, but you know if I couldn’t make fun of it or laugh at it I would go crazy. Humor is a gift fro God Himself, and I am thankful that the stroke did not take that away!
Ultimately however, I am seeing the Lord move me to new opportunities in both ministry and life. We’ve all heard the expression that when one door closes the Lord opens another, and that’s exactly what I see (though I often forget it). I sometimes worry about it, but then wonder why I should. I have been blessed, and the Lord has always taken care of me. I believe He is merely adjusting my course, and not making me adapt to some stupid handicap, but taking me higher.
I am certain this is the truth, and I patiently (okay not always patiently) await just what He has in store for me!
Thanks for tuning in!
Goodnight and God bless.
