Tag Archives: healthy

Getting closer to the prize………

I am happy to report that Amanda seems to be getting a bit better. Ben still has a whale of a cough, but the doc says he is doing just fine. I am just happy to know they are heading in the right direction. It is hard in a family when one or two people get sick.

I am always reminded however, of our call to serve others before ourselves. I suppose it is easier to do for a family member, but in truth our responsibility goes far beyond that. We were created, not to be all about ourselves, but to care about and for one another and God. It’s a tall order I know, yet one we were indeed made for.

As a priest it is often frustrating for me to see people act self-focused. It is a misunderstanding of the Gospel, and even of the American Dream. It is not that we are not to achieve individually, in fact we are, but we then use what we have gained or even become to freely serve others. No, not by having what we have earned taken by the government and redistributed, that’s socialism. But instead freely giving of ourselves and our resources to reflect both who it is and Whose it is we are. Faith and faithful living are never to be coerced…..they are meant to be our choice. We freely choose God too!

Anyway, after this long day of service I am heading to bed lest I collapse and need some service myself. I am so very pleased we are getting a spirit of health and wellness back here at home. But keep praying…..both Amanda and Ben have a ways to go. And they, as well as I, appreciate your help.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


The looming sound of a steak knife…..but the question is who’s?????

It has been a busy week so far, and sadly it is just Tuesday. Our weekly clergy meeting is moving to tomorrow to accommodate an MRI and a doctor’s appointment for me to hopefully put this long drawn out mess behind me. So tonight Puddy and I will write and then I will head to the Kroger to pick up lunch for tomorrow. Our clergy team does not have a “team-mom,” so they just have to deal with what I get.

I will say we are coming up on not just the anniversary of Deacon Dan and Deacon Morgan’s ordinations, but also the finish line of a bet we made last year…..who would lose the most weight by September 29, 2009. The prize is pretty twisted considering the bet….it’s a fattening steak dinner! But surprisingly we all seem to be leaning toward continuing it for another year. All three of us have been down and up, and though we are better than we were, we all would like to be better than we are.

I guess the point is that though clergy are often put up on that pedestal, even we have real life struggles and problems just like everyone else. Our jobs are long and hard, and they often are sown deeply with the seeds of stress. And when you travel and cannot always be around a healthy meal, convenience is not always your friend.

In a couple of weeks, Deacon Morgan and I will be walking and then officiating at a service for the American Diabetes Walk in Indianapolis. We are taking pledges for our walk, and do it because it is a good cause. My mom is in a nursing home (initially) because of it, and my grandfather had it as well. Being better with our personal struggles will help us avoid it ourselves! Your prayers would be appreciated, as well as your support for the walk. And of course, if Dan or PT decided to not put off the bet, your prayers for me to win it are welcome as well!

Seriously, and in truth, the Lord wants us to be healthy in body, mind, AND spirit. The Bible tells us that the body is actually the temple of the Spirit, so we should all do our best to take care of it.

Tonight I am doing my part. Though the cat is eating bugs, I am drinking a diet soda. Hopefully I can continue to move down a healthy path.

Anyway, off to the Kroger I go! Pray for a healthy mind and choices at the store!

Goodnight my friends and God bless.

Fr. Tom+