Tag Archives: gossip

Of telephone, gossip, and faith…..by Amanda

Have you ever played the game “Telephone” or “Gossip”? I have heard it referred to as both names, but it is essentially the same game. I remember learning it in elementary school where it was used to teach our class a lesson on spreading rumors. It is also used in some team building workshops to understand about the power of ineffective communication. Regardless the reason for playing the game, the message is the same….the more people you put between the person giving and receiving the message, the more chances there are to mix up the message. Sometimes so many of the words are changed by the end of the communication line that the entire intent of the message has changed drastically.

I find the lesson of the Telephone game to have a lot of application in my life of faith as well. The only way to never misunderstand what God is telling us is to receive it directly from Him. Too often, we have put other people or things in the way of that message and allow it to be distorted. Dave Ramsey makes a great reference to this when he says in his Financial Peace University lesson “If you find a pre-approved credit card offer in your mailbox, it does not mean that God has answered your prayers and you can go buy the new boat you have your eye on!” With a much better sense of humor that I have, he is saying the same thing…our guidance on what to do, how to live, who to be and where to go in life only come from one place…the word of God. And that message has to come directly from Him in accordance with His word.

So if the message you believe you are receiving from God does not come directly from Him, or is in conflict with His word, then it is a good idea to ask again. Keep your relationship with the Lord personal and deep so that you are able to hear what he is saying to you. Don’t allow others to filter the message for you….hear it from His heart to your ears. God bless!
