Tag Archives: good day

Of being “in the zone”……the twilight zone that is.

Today has been unusual to say the least, but as I am at the end of it I have very little recollection of what I did. Occasionally, when I do too much, things run together and confusion runs high. Don’t get me wrong, I am immensely better, but days like today that should be big victories seem more frustrating than anything because of all the jumbled thoughts.

So this is to say….I am giving up the day and handing it back to God. I begin very early tomorrow and end very late, and unlike a movie star, I do not have “my peeps” to handle a bunch of stuff for me.

So it has been (I think) a pretty good day. But I can let you know for sure as things level off tomorrow. For now however, sleep is my cure of choice.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

Tom+ (I think)

The end of a perfect day…….

Today was the first day of Summer, but more than that, it was my best day yet since my stroke. I felt great all day long and enjoyed every bit of it! Working in Nashville went well, and even folding laundry at the end of the day didn’t bother me at all AND I did it all on my own!! (I must have brain damage). But I hadn’t had a day like today in a long time, so nothing was going to taint it!

And I am all set for tomorrow too. I didn’t feel real good about my sermon, but it seemed to be received well at St. Matthew’s Nashville, so I will use it again tomorrow and it will appear on our website (www.IndianaAnglican.com) tomorrow afternoon. Deacon Tony Bender, (and his wife Denise), were at St. Matthew’s for the first time tonight, and it was great to see the people welcome him as one of the family there. There was no cake, which disappointed me (after this past week I sort of hope to see cake everywhere) but I did sneak a cookie or two and it was just what I needed to counteract all the salad I have been eating since my birthday!

I was just so very thankful to have a good day, and not just a good one, but a great one. Today I felt NORMAL, and that has been a long time coming I can tell you! And hopefully tomorrow will bring another great day!

For now however, I will finish this up. My laptop is with me in bed, and Amanda is already asleep just a foot or so away. I do have a bit of pain, but I am confident it is nothing serious, It is actually just the heel of an infant who is but 9 days shy of 1. He is asleep in a wedge in between us, but he is clearly more “in between” towards my side than hers (he works for her…. you know it and I do too!!).

But what do I care? It’s been a perfect day! I am blessed to have lived it, and I hope for many more too! And not just for me, but for you as well!

God bless and goodnight!!!


Of good days and bad……no one ever bats 1000

Today has been a pretty good day, at least when you look at it as a whole. It started early, and it will end late, and all the little pieces that were inbetween seemed to fit together pretty well.

I am posting this late, because I have been gone the entire day. I was excited to get home and do so…..but the struggles I sometimes endure can occasionally become overwhelming….and they were as we got home. I was going to say, “you know it’s funny,” but it really is not…….it’s actually quite frustrating. I know what is right, and I know what I think, and I even know what to do…….but when I cannot do any of them, it’s hard not to melt down (inside and out). I know that seems to be thinking outloud…..like people can hear my inner monologue, but I want you to know. You see I think, I understand, I know, and I can……but having all that doesn’t stop me from misfiring. I don’t suppose that makes sense, and that’s part of the problem too. I read about strokes, I talk to people who have had them and treat them, yet I am often puzzled. I suppose that’s part of it, but when I heard the word “mild” I just expected “easier.”

I know that no one bats 1000, at least for not very long, and I know my average is very high. But I am not the most patient of sorts, nor do I ever set my bar too low. I am just working my way back to normal, and with God’s grace and your prayers I hope to get there……if I get my way, in about 15 minutes!

You keep praying…..and I’ll keep at it.

Fr. Tom+