Tag Archives: goal

The Good Stuff…….

It’s been a busy 24 hours. Last night I had my second sleep study in 10 months and I was happy to get it behind me. The doctors are collecting a lot of different pieces of information about me in order to set what we need to do from this point. So far no news….but stay tuned!

And tonight, after a busy day, Amanda and I went to see Scott play in his very first lacrosse game! Scott plays right now for one of the high school’s indoor teams, getting ready for the regular lacrosse season in the Spring. It was a great time, even though we lost. Scott got a real education, in that he was no longer out in the yard with a long retired hockey player knocking him around, he was out with some pretty large high school athletes with sticks, pads, and attitudes! He did score, which was awesome, but even as a good-sized athlete, I know he was surprised by the opponents size, speed, and aggression. It was so much fun to see him so excited about continuing to play! Steph plays tomorrow night, and as the women’s coach, we are excited about that too!

Anyway, not a lot of religion tonight, but the ramblings of a proud dad. All the busy-ness was well worth the wait. It is great to be dad….I always can see God’s blessings when I spend time with my kids!

Good night my friends and God Bless!


Back to Nashville, back to normalcy……

We finally made it down to Nashville thanks to good weather and a lot of drying out of the area down there! And it was marvelous! The people seemed happy to see me, and there was even a cake! Had I even the inkling that there would have been cake I would have come from the hospital directly.

And actually, with the addition of this “surprise cake,” it will mean I will see a total of four (4), count em, 4 cakes this week. Today was 1, Father’s Day is tomorrow 2, Scotty’s birthday is Monday 3, and my birthday is Thursday 4! If I am not in some type of “cake-coma” by Friday morning then my pancreas needs to head to the Smithsonian! I know, it’s gonna be a tough week, but I am gonna take this one for the team!

In truth however, the big celebration was not the cake, but rather it was being able to return. Sure I struggled a bit, but deep down I know I am truly blessed. I love what I do and I am surrounded by people I love when I get to do it. And getting to Nashville was a BIG GOAL that I made for myself in April. It helped me stay motivated and on the path. And now that I have made it, I will set my sights on other goals.

So all and all, today has been a great day, and I am voting to quit while I am ahead. Off to bed for me!! For one service is not three, nor is it two. And I need to be rested for the two I have left tomorrow….for the weekend is not back to normalcy unless I am able to do all three!!

Keep me in your prayers! I appreciate it!

Fr. Tom+