Tag Archives: genetics

Of learning that I cannot help it…….it’s just genetic!

Steph and Scott are becoming New Yorkers, at least temporarily, but they come by it naturally…..it’s in their blood. Scott shared tonight that he has been picking up on some of the family accent, which is no surprise since he is in our American Motherland! My Uncle Mickey told him that when he gets home he will be able to hear our accent here, and I suppose he is right. I always enjoy being with my family because the accents and language are different, and it reminds me of our heritage. We have a great family.

Oddly enough, I actually sound very much from New York, but only when I get mad. I have surmised that it is a connection from me being in trouble with my dad as a kid. My dad sounds pretty Midwestern, but if he gets mad, or if Notre Dame screws up (okay, that is the same thing) his accent clearly comes out. And though I have BEEN TO New York, I have never LIVED THERE. We often imitate what we know though, and the fiery NY temper is just genetic as far as I am concerned. My kids will learn from visiting that the NY that I really am honest when I describe my “concerns” I have with them at times as emotional (I prefer passionate). There is one thing I have learned from being a Tirman and that is that in no way is there a gray area in knowing how someone feels! That NY style is pretty straightforward. I am happy my kids will learn that blood is stronger than psychology from the best.

Anyway, both of them have checked in and I am off to bed. Tomorrow they head for the city itself where they will stay till New Year’s Eve. I am glad they are there and it makes me proud.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!
