Tag Archives: funeral

Of Blessings Eternal………

Today we went down to Nashville to attend the interment of Jim Morrison, a parishioner from St. Matthew’s in Nashville. It was the last part of Jim’s funeral, the first part being held in St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Indianapolis. The celebrant for the first part was Jean Denton, who is a fine priest and friend. The second part, was conducted by our own Deacon Dan Conley who did a great job at what was his first funeral.

As I said, I only attended, but what was so comforting were Deacon Dan’s words to us all. It really makes me feel good when I see one of our clergy do such a wonderful job. I couldn’t help but think of how comforting his words must have been to the family and to those gathered there. Jim certainly had a lot of family and friends, and I know they all are saddened by his death, but Dan reminded us all that he was with the Lord, and not just that, but that one day we would see him again. There was a lot to be thankful for in the truth of his words!

We will see Jim again, and all those who we love but we see no longer. We serve a great God, greater than we could ever ask for or imagine! It has been a great day, and I am thankful for all He has given us!

God Bless!

Fr. Tom+

My apologies…..the product of a mushy mind…….

I didn’t post last night because there was just so much spinning through my mind. Michael’s funeral was wonderful. The clergy at Our Lady of Grace did a great job of helping us to celebrate his life. Michael was such a great guy, and I even missed Michael when he couldn’t make practice……I know it’s going to be a lot harder now.

I sat at the funeral with most of the girls on our team and with Coach Corry. Michael touched everyone of them, and his influence upon them clearly was indelible. I know we were all blessed to know him, and it frustrates me very much to suddenly not be able to put what I want and NEED to say into words about him. Perhaps tomorrow will provide me the opportunity.

I work hard to keep myself together when this happens to me. As for a reason, (of course I have had a stroke) I think the happenings of the week, and the ones coming up this weekend, just trip some sort of “limit switch” in my head and my ability to move ahead just stalls. It is hard to deal with, but in time I will get there…. In the meantime, please be patient. I still do have a lot to say about this week, Michael, his funeral, and all that has happened….I just have the need and desire to say it well/right.

Okay, I am giving up for the day! Pray for clarity for me tomorrow…Lord knows I need it!


Fr. Tom+

Of the hope for a better tomorrow………

It has been an unusual day for me for a lot of reasons. Today I not only was able to attend the visitation for Michael Treinen at our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, but I was also able to meet his parents and one of his sisters for the first time. They are remarkable people. It was a hard time for everyone, and I just wish my mind could have kept up with all that was happening around me. The effects of the stroke often manifest themselves in hard places, and this was one of them.
I do have some things to say about what I am witnessing, but I just can’t get my thoughts lined up correctly….at least I can’t today. It is not some type of writer’s block, it is clearly a stroke-thing. After the funeral tomorrow I believe (and hope) that I will be able to express myself better.
Today was also my wife Amanda’s birthday. The events of her birthday bookended work and the visitation. We started the day with a coffee cake with candles and ended it with a DQ cake and high blood sugar I am sure. But celebrations are an important part of life, and today was one of her celebration days.
Tomorrow will be one of Michael’s. Funerals are to be a reflection and celebration of one’s life, and I am confident his will be just that. As a priest, I find comfort in them. And as a brother who lost two sisters to cancer as well, Steph (who my daughter is named for and who died in 2001), and Sarah (who died in 2004) I need them. Believe me, there is enough pain to last 100’s of years in any of this…..what funerals provide is the hope, peace and assurance that those of us who are left need to live on. They hold up death for what it is, just a transition, a gate that we too will one day pass through. And when we do, we will see those who went before us again. You see, there is a lot to celebrate…..death is not the end of the story!
Please keep the Treinens in your prayers and all those who are struggling with Michael’s death…..particularly the young people. Tomorrow will be a trying day for many. Pray that the Lord’s Hand may rest upon them all, and that His funeral will celebrate his life, and provide the comfort, the hope, the peace, and the assurance that everyone will need.
God bless you my friends.
Fr. Tom+