Tag Archives: football

Go Irish, but Scotty, go cheaper…….

It has been a busy but wonderful day. Scotty and I left early this morning to head to Notre Dame, where Scott was able to tour the campus and attend his first ND football game with my cousins. My uncle and I, who are both older and wiser, didn’t brave the 17 degree weather, but instead watched the game from the Student Union. Sadly ND lost, but Scott was impressed nonetheless.

My cousin Matt is actually a Senior there. Scott and he are pretty close, so it was good for us to be there. Scott, though just a sophomore, needs to start turning his focus toward where he will go, and quite frankly if it is ND he will need TONS of help. We just do not have that kind of money.

Of course he was majorly in love. Notre Dame is a big thing in my family. My dad got his bachelor’s and master’s there, and he even broke his arm playing football there. Now granted it was in gym class, but at least it is not a tall tale!

As for me, I grew up playing hockey in the Irish youth hockey league. My dad taught there, so I was around the campus a lot. When it came time to go to college however, I wanted to go away. Apparently flunking out at home was not good enough, so I made my way away from ND and through two other colleges before heading to, and graduating from, Butler. Don’t get me wrong, Butler is a prestigious school, and I got a great education there. I just regret never going to Notre Dame, and I know I will until the day I die. I will always hold it fondly in my heart.

But I suppose that will have to do….a sheepskin costs well over $100k and I am a bit short! So I will just do my best. Steph is a Junior and will visit ND, probably in March, but will probably go elsewhere. Scotty will probably do the same a year later. Just as long as it is not Penn State I don’t care. Yep, Amanda is one of those, and I already have enough trouble with her. They all think Joe Paterno is in the Bible, and though he is clearly old enough, as a priest I need to be living a little more truth than that. She is a work constantly in progress. Please keep me in your prayers!

Night my friends and God Bless.
