Tag Archives: flooring

Weather Rodent, please be wrong on this blessed day!

Groundhog Day, though not an official Church holiday, may end up being one of my favorite days this year.

First of all, the Weather-Rodent saw his shadow, predicting of course six more weeks of Winter. That would honk me off normally if it were not for the statistic that he is right only 39% of the time. Sure that may be better than most modern meteorologists, but if history is any teacher he is wrong more than right. Let’s pray that it is the case this year!

Secondly, our flooring was delivered this afternoon! So that means that sooner or later it will be installed and hopefully SOONER! The sad part is that Scotty and I will have to take up all the old flooring this afternoon, but it is really a small price to pay to get to where we need to be!

Anyway, things are moving along! I am thankful for the day….and even more thankful that Scott is almost home!

God Bless you my friends!
