Tag Archives: firecrackers

Of blasting away the effectiveness of my fragile mind…….

The day is done, the moon is full, and I am once again out on the back porch. I was going to say something about how peaceful it was out here, but apparently someone has taken it upon themselves to light a bunch of firecrackers out front our house in the street. Perfect timing!

Sadly, it has taken my mind away from what I was going to write about tonight and I just cannot seem to get it back! Immediately I began to think about those blasts scaring Ben and waking him up, and then that’s right where my mind stays! Dear Lord I love my stroke-damaged mind! I get distracted, my mind goes there, and there it stays until it’s ready to leave! Oh well, I will not worry about it. I have learned that when I do I only frustrate myself. (I also have learned that I never get distracted thinking about a nice big cheeseburger or a beach either!)

Anyway, let me just say I will try again tomorrow. Sleep is great therapy for me and the Lord seems to be giving me new chances to write this each day! I hope to make the best of it tomorrow. Jesus tells us not to worry, and I try not to…but the firecrackers tonight make that hard. But the sun will bring a new day, and with it God’s Son will bring us all more opportunities!

Nite and God Bless!
