Tag Archives: fever

Hunka Hunka Burnin Love……

Well about 75% into the day, our ship finally hit an iceberg! Ben and I went out to lacrosse practice and found that Ben was not only quite irritable, but also quite warm! We had to abruptly cancel practice and head home to put him to bed. He was exhausted, yet despite the Motrin and nap offer, he just laughed and giggled and let me know that the nap was not on his little baby agenda today. Despite my best argument and convincing pleas, Steph finally got him out of his crib to proclaim how very cute he was and how he just wanted to be up. Sadly, they both work on the same team! And as Amanda got home and Scott and I headed to his game, I knew he would be in bed and asleep well before I got home. But you got it…..I was wrong again. Ben does better sick than I do well. I might just need to study under him.

But the day is now over and we are all home and heading to bed. I can’t say that I am disappointed, because I am not. Being a parent is one of God’s greatest gifts. But being the parent of a sick child, especially a baby, is one of the most trying things I know.

Fortunately he seems fine tonight. It must have been “Spoil-me Fever” because he got both. I guess I should be thankful that he knows how to work the women of the house to walk in his ways and it is not wasted on me…….I will pay close attention. Compared to him I am a neophyte in terms of my abilities to get sympathy. We are living with true male-genius!

Anyway, it is bed for me. I am tired and my body aches. Maybe if I throw my cup on the floor and spill a bowl of goldfish crackers I can get someone to give me a Motrin!

Yeah, I know…..fat chance!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. Keep little Ben in your prayers. We appreciate it!

Fr. Tom+