Tag Archives: feeding

Faith in action……

Ben and I stopped by the Christian Center tonight, which is a large ministry for the homeless in Anderson. We were going there because part of the outreach of our mission in Anderson (St. Anne’s) is to make and serve a meal there once a month. It was both impressive and effective. Within an hour over a hundred meals were served. It was a real blessing to be able to be there. I only wish Ben were a bit older to comprehend how important this was.

I am always pleased to see people putting their faith into action. It is exactly what we are supposed to do as Christian people. To me it is always so hard to get across to people that church is not just a place we come to be fed with God’s Word. In truth, from there we are to go out and do ministry in Christ’s Name!

Tonight was a great example about that, and it gave me great joy. And though I was saddened that many of the people who were fed were struggling, I thanked the Lord that there were good folks reaching out and taking care of them! Praise God!

But the day is now done and tomorrow is coming soon. It is off to bed so I will be sharp in the morning!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.
