Tag Archives: Feast Day

Of Angels and Archangels…………

Today at Church we celebrated the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels. It is always such an awesome day for me, in that St. Michael himself is a Saint I totally admire. In the Revelation to St. John, in chapter 12, we hear that St. Michael the Archangel leads the battle against Satan and his angels and casts them out of heaven. Unfortunately for us, Satan and his angels were cast down here to earth, but we are not left without the power of Christ and the protection of St. Michael and all his angels still.

I always felt the naming of our ministry after St. Michael the Archangel was so very appropriate. We had thought about it and prayed about it, and it just became clearer and clearer the more we did. It was not a shot in the dark. Our mission, our call was serious, and there was no better name to reflect that we too meant to stand from the start with what was true and what was right. St. Michael is a great Defender of the Faith, and Protector as well. We see our ministry in very much that same light.

The Feast of St. Michael the Archangel also marks the one year anniversary of the ordination of two of our deacons, PT Morgan and Dan Conley. PT and Dan have been Godsends to our ministry, and we would not be where we are without them (and I mean that in the good way!) Congratulations guys! Just 40 more years to retirement!!

St. Michael’s Feast Day is actually tomorrow on the 29th, we took the liberty of moving it to today in order to celebrate it in all our missions. But say a prayer of thanksgiving for our ministry tomorrow on our Patron Saint’s Day. We are so blessed at what we do, and we are happy you can be a part. If you just read these blogs, we invite you to come join us. And if you live too far away to attend, we hope you can listen to the sermons and read about us online. You also can partner with us online and join our ministry by making a donation online. But mostly we just ask for your prayers.

Thanks for checking in! Goodnight and God Bless.

Fr. Tom+