Tag Archives: faithful

A day of celebration………

Things were pretty sparse in all our missions today. The weather had been poor, and many of the roads, the side-streets in particular, were very icy. It was too bad too, because yesterday we also celebrated our two year anniversary for the launch of our entire ministry. St. Anne’s in Anderson, our oldest mission, is now two!

We did have a nice pitch-in there and it included cake and all the goodies. It was a great time. I got to sit next to Ben, which can always be an adventure, and I marveled at how at 18 months he can suck the filling out of a creampuff without having to eat any of the puff. He is a talented boy.

But now as the day is over I am struck by how far we have come. We really never intended to start a Church, let alone four of them. We only wanted to gather for worship with a few people after I retired. It amazes me at how the Lord’s vision is always so much greater than our own….AND how when we follow it things happens that amaze us!

I will not worry about it and just concentrate on being faithful. The Lord has blessed me and this ministry. I am just glad to be along for the ride!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!
