Tag Archives: facility

We have white smoke……!!!!!!

Today we were able to release the news that we have secured a new facility for St. Patrick’s and will be moving in just a few weeks! It has been a long process, but a fruitful one. St. Patrick’s has been meeting at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds for over a year, and it will be a real blessing for them to have their own place! The parishioners there have been very faithful and patient. I rejoice with them at this wonderful accomplishment! Praise God!

St. Patrick’s, like St. Matthew’s, will be meeting in a storefront. And, though we call it St. Patrick’s Noblesville, in truth we will need to start calling it St. Patrick’s Westfield. The church will move to 3032 State Road 32 in Westfield, and just as St. Matthew’s is located next to my favorite pizza place, Pizza King, St. Patrick’s goes in next to my favorite Mexican restaurant, El Japerio! God is blessing me indeed!!

And, to make it all even more wonderful, we will be in the new facility in December! Christmas will be in a permanent home. But we want to thank our friends at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds. We are not the first Church here they helped launch, nor will we be the last. Their history of this work goes back almost 20 years. And we are truly thankful for their help and support. It has been a wonderful experience with them. We will pray for the next Church to follow us there as well.

Anyway, the excitement has worn me out so I am of to bed…yep, at 8:30. My Bears won earlier and though the Colts kick off in a matter of moments, I will leave them to their fans (the rest of my family). I need to go to bed while my life, and my world, are very content!

Thank you Lord for a wonderful day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Of recovery, confusion, stumbling and philosophy…….

For those of you who have been wondering, Ben has made a remarkable recovery! His attention getting fever seemed to last just as long as he needed it too, and he reminded me as he took up most of our bed last night and spent the entire time kicking me in the ribs. He was no worse for the wear today, and for it we are all thankful. He is back to his usual jovial self!

My day however has been long. I worked all day and have a bit more to go before Sunday. Sermons come harder post-stroke, but I like them because they cause me to dig deeper. I suppose we could call it exercise for my mind. The proof is in the pudding though. Even though I work hard I suppose there is always the possibility that after hearing my sermon people may think my mind is out of shape! (But if so, hopefully not morbidly so!) I try hard, and I really do feel I have made good progress. With time I hope that I am satisfied with how I am doing myself. After all, I am my own harshest critic!

To report, a group of us spent all morning yesterday hoping to finalize a location for St. Patrick’s in Noblesville, but sadly we could not agree. As frustrating as that is for me, I know the implications are deeper. I really do believe that the Lord will provide what we need at the right time, but yesterday just never got to the point we all felt right. He however is very near, and I know resolution is right around the corner! Keep praying!

Anyway, I think I will go to bed early. After all, as the old saying goes, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man just tired still in the morning.” At least that’s what I think, but what do I ever know in such a confused state?

Good night my friends and God Bless.


Of illness, of rain, and of future hopes and dreams…..

Today was still rainy and wet, but we held practice just the same. I had a Men’s Bible Study scheduled to start tonight, but postponed it one week because some of the guys could not make it, plus Amanda was home sick today. She has not felt good all week, but right after making the calls and telling the people who could make it not to come tonight, suddenly she appears up and smiling, seemingly feeling better. I guess even at 47 I can confess that I do not understand the fairer sex. All I know is that my heart was in the right place, and with the information I had at the time, I made the right decision. But, I am disappointed about the delay. We are going to meet next week instead.

Beyond that, I am working hard to find a permanent facility for St. Patrick’s here in Noblesville. We are having a “Wine and Cheese Party” here at the house on Friday night for all its parishioners and some others, and I had hoped to have the location locked in by then. It is not looking like that will happen….BUT, IT WILL HAPPEN! The goal is to be in a new facility by Thanksgiving! Keep us in your prayers!

Anyway, I am glad Amanda is doing better, and even thankful for the rain. Time will tell about this facility search, but I have faith that I will be thankful for that too! So keep the faith my friends, it is worth it! I hope you have had a blessed day!

Goodnight and God Bless!

Fr. Tom+

The Lord indeed provides…..

Thank God for miracles……every time I get frustrated and worried, the Lord provides another one, and it amazes me! I really should have more faith!

We have been looking for a facility to meet in for the next two weeks for St. Patrick’s, our Noblesville/Hamilton County Mission. We have been meeting at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds since September, but with the Hamilton County Fair being held there these next two weeks, we needed a temporary place for these next two weeks to meet. And though we have been looking, our search had not produced anything suitable!

But thank God for State Senator Luke Kenley, who is now allowing us to use one of his properties over these next two week. The old Goodwill store in Noblesville (1950 East Conner) will be our home these next two Sundays at 9:00 am!!! We had been praying for something, and the Lord indeed provided!! And Senator Kenley’s generous offer is appreciated more than you can know! (I’d tell you I’d start voting for him but in fact I always have voted for him! He is a pretty great guy and the one leading the charge on property tax reform in Indiana. We are blessed to have him as our Senator!) Please send him a note if you read this telling him thanks for providing a place for us to hold our services. He does deserve our thanks!

So the next two weeks are taken care of, but another longer-term issue still exists. We are in deep need of a permanent location for St. Patrick’s, such as a store front, or another building in which we can both worship AND hold classes and such. The fairgrounds is great, and the people there are some of the finest I have ever met, but we rent it each day we use it, and have to tear down and set up each time. It is expensive and time consuming. But a location in Noblesville we could use 24/7, would get A LOT of use on our part and we believe, be a real blessing to our community. We have been looking, and we have been praying. We will keep up our search too!

And like the temporary facility we will be using for the next two week, we believe and know, that the Lord will provide a long-term home!

Have faith, and believe!! I know we do!!

God bless!

Fr. Tom+

AND PS…..and call me day or night if you have a facility for us to use! 317-603-0012