Tag Archives: eternal life

A day to make me think ahead…….

We held the funeral for Sarah Woodruff this morning, and it was as nice as you could expect it to be. It was full of family and friends, and everyone involved did a good job despite the tragic circumstances. It is hard to see such good people deal with such a terrible tragedy. But I do hope they found some comfort in the care and concern of the over 200 people who gathered to celebrate Sarah’s life among us. Healing is going to take a long time.

We also received a call as I was just heading out to the funeral from another family from St. Patrick’s in Westfield. Al Schilt, a wonderful and devoted man, passed away overnight after a long illness. Al’s funeral will be Monday, and though it was expected and everyone was prepared for his death, I ask your prayers for his family too.

A boss I had in the beginning of my career in Florida always used to tell me that “in the midst of death there is always life.” And he is right. But death always causes us some degree of pain, and sometimes that degree is almost unbearable. But our hope is in the promise of Our Lord who tells us that death is never the end for those who believe.

Being a priest means sometimes walking with people at the most painful parts of their lives, but it will all be well worth it. For one day in joy I will see Sarah and Al and all those who have gone before us in the Lord. For in Christ, death is never the end of our story!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Goodbye for now to an old friend………

Today a good friend of mine was laid to rest….Bill Drake. I have known Bill since the early 1980’s and he, I can easily say, was one of a kind. He has had a bad heart for as long as I have known him, and that heart finally gave out just prior to Christmas. But I am sure that if you looked at it you would see it was great big and made of gold.

Bill was buried in the Episcopal Church in Plainfield, and though I know a lot of people out there, Sadly I felt it best not for me to go. I have been so demonized by people within the Episcopal Church for retiring and becoming a Church Planter for the Orthodox Anglican Church that I felt my being there would distract what everyone was there for. Deacon Tony was one of Bill’s best friends and Bill had even asked him to be in the service before he died. But get this……the Episcopal Bishop of Indianapolis told the priest doing the funeral that Tony couldn’t, because “he was not really ordained.” How tragic and shameful. Of course she considers me in that very same light. Yet if Tony were a Methodist or a Lutheran, it would have never been an issue. It is a shame that vindictiveness is placed above pastoral concern. Please pray for her. Tony and Bill were devoted friends. Bill came to Tony’s ordination. We laughed and rejoiced as always. And I even gave him communion……imagine that. All people deserve dignity. It amazes me that I am always portrayed as intolerant and exclusive. I think the evidence suggests the converse.

Anyway, before bed I will raise a glass to my dear friend Bill. His wife and family are in my prayers and I hope in yours. I was blessed to have known him, and I know so many others who would say the same. But more than anything, thanks be to God, I will be blessed again to walk with him in the life to come! (And beat him at euchre!)

May Bill’s soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.

Fr. Tom+