Tag Archives: energy

The toddler son returneth, but he sleepeth not……

Where in the world does he get his energy? Dear Lord, I do not know! Ben arrived (with his mommy) at the Indianapolis International Airport at 12:45, and after a short power nap in the car (about 10 minutes), he was up and remained up and active until he was put to bed FINALLY at 9:45. BUT, I can hear him screaming for someone to come get him even now, so I am pretty sure his awake and active streak is still alive.

But really I do not care. I am so happy to have them home. Scotty, Stephy and I have all felt it has been way too quiet around here (and clean)…..a situation he remedied within minutes of his return. It has been a delight to see our lives get back to normal almost instantaneously!

Anyway, the down-side is that I am exhausted and do need to call it a night. I have played and played all day, but clearly Ben has won every game. I have hardly talked to Amanda at all, but I will if she can get to me before I am unconscious. Unfortunately, I see that happening anytime!

Off to bed for me. Pray for me! Ben and I have a date all day tomorrow!!

Goodnight and God Bless!
