Tag Archives: election

On the occasion of the election of a new President.

Though I did not vote for him, I am committed to pray for our President-elect Obama. In elections there are winners and there are losers, but in the end the very fact that we are free to decide who those winners are, who will lead, is what indeed makes us all win.

During this post-election season there is always anxiety about what we are heading into and how a completely new administration will lead. But we seem to survive it all, and head off into writing new chapters of our history.

In truth, despite who leads, God is still in control.

Pray for our country. Pray for our government. Pray for President-elect.

Goodnight and God Bless.


A brief election post…….

The election is going on and with so much division we can only hope and pray that the outcome brings us a sense of togetherness and purpose as American people. Despite our disagreements, we still live in the greatest county in the world, and I do not believe that will ever change. We should remember that EVERY election produces winners and losers, and that God’s Hand is still upon us as a whole.

I will not be writing more than this tonight, but instead go back and fix my eyes and thoughts on the TV and the results as they happen.

My hope however is that you voted! God Bless you and God Bless our Country!



Election day looms………

I will be getting up very early tomorrow in an effort to be at the poll before it opens. Voting is one of the most important things we do as a free people, and I intend to exercise my right.

This election however, causes more anxiety in me than any other. I have never seen people so divided, politics so deplorable, and tensions so high. It troubles me deeply that we seem to go through one election and then see people start campaigning for next. If I lived in Illinois or Arizona, I would be incensed that we were paying Senators to represent us, yet they were hardly ever there. And now with Acorn and the messes of voter registration I wonder how in the world we set common sense aside. Do we really want to be like the countries we send observers into to make sure elections are fair and just? We seem to be unraveling the very fabric that has held us together. It is deeply disturbing.

As much as that bothers me, I will still go out to cast my vote. You need to to give your voice credibility. I hope and pray we all do.

Get out and vote tomorrow!

Night my friends and God Bless.
