Tag Archives: easier

Of good days and bad……no one ever bats 1000

Today has been a pretty good day, at least when you look at it as a whole. It started early, and it will end late, and all the little pieces that were inbetween seemed to fit together pretty well.

I am posting this late, because I have been gone the entire day. I was excited to get home and do so…..but the struggles I sometimes endure can occasionally become overwhelming….and they were as we got home. I was going to say, “you know it’s funny,” but it really is not…….it’s actually quite frustrating. I know what is right, and I know what I think, and I even know what to do…….but when I cannot do any of them, it’s hard not to melt down (inside and out). I know that seems to be thinking outloud…..like people can hear my inner monologue, but I want you to know. You see I think, I understand, I know, and I can……but having all that doesn’t stop me from misfiring. I don’t suppose that makes sense, and that’s part of the problem too. I read about strokes, I talk to people who have had them and treat them, yet I am often puzzled. I suppose that’s part of it, but when I heard the word “mild” I just expected “easier.”

I know that no one bats 1000, at least for not very long, and I know my average is very high. But I am not the most patient of sorts, nor do I ever set my bar too low. I am just working my way back to normal, and with God’s grace and your prayers I hope to get there……if I get my way, in about 15 minutes!

You keep praying…..and I’ll keep at it.

Fr. Tom+