Tag Archives: early

An early post while conscious………

I am out on the back porch early tonight because I am on the edge of needing to sleep again. It concerns me, in that I want to be doing better, yet it seems each time I turn around I am taking steps backward. My daughter shared with some friends the other day that she thought I was not doing all that well (and yes, I am worried that I may have already shared that in an earlier blog), but it is on my mind.

I go the the neurologist a week from today, and Amanda is sending a note of all that she is seeing in terms of my recovery. I am willing to be more than honest with him, but I know that what you get from me really depends on the kind of day I am having. I want to make sure he has all the right information. I would hate to be put out to pasture so soon!

On the upside, I am really excited about the prospect of heading to bed early!! It amazes me how Ben throws a fit every time we make him take a nap, but I beg for the opportunity! Little does he know how very wonderful they are! He just spends most of his time playing and chasing the cat. It’s good work if you can get it.

As for me, I am just trying to make my way. Though my sermon was hard to write last week, I am already working on the next one. I am trying to read a lot to push my mind and I hope that the Lord can decipher my fragmented and confused prayers. I am thankful for my faith, and for the things I am able to do…..I just keep praying to do them better!!

Anyway, farewell from the back porch for tonight. I am out here alone, because it’s early. The cat normally sleeps 23 hours a day and saves the one hour to be out here with me for a little later in the night apparently. But I am sure she will join me tomorrow.

Keep the faith my friends, it’s worth it…..and God Bless.
