Tag Archives: Duct Tape

Some ramblings on car repair……..

About a year ago, we sold my beloved SUV since gas prices (along with the amount I drove) were going way up, and we purchased an old 1998 Volvo for me to drive. It is not just far better on gas, but its value was already pretty low! There is really no amount of driving I can do to effect what we will get out of it in the end……it is probably heading from our house to Volvo-heaven! It is not the best looking car, nor is it the most comfortable I have ever had, BUT it runs and is reliable.

I am however spending a lot of time with it in terms of little things. Yesterday the brake lights had a short I needed to find and a panel of the dash had become loose (thank God for duct tape)! But as a guy who works in an environment where little is tangible, it is nice to be able to “fix” something. It reminds me of my younger days in high school where all my cars needed to be fixed, but now I repair for myself rather to try and impress some girl.

The Volvo and I will be heading to Ohio this week for a 3 day meeting, so I hope I have got it in shape. I don’t have OnStar, but I don’t want you to worry. After all, though a priest, I still am a guy……….the trunk not only has a small tool bag, but also a big roll of duct tape.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.
