Tag Archives: driving

Deeper and deeper…….

The damage to our house is more extensive than first thought. Though we got the water shut off, and a plumber to the house finally about 7pm (thanks Scott’s Plumbing), today the discovered water had seeped under the hardwood floors on the first floor. This led to the tearing out of the laundry room, first floor bathroom, and the floor in our hallway and most of our family room. I was able to wrestle the washer and dryer back into the torn-up house, but it is really all a mess. Steph and Scotty leave for New York City with my dad late Christmas day so getting laundry done is pretty important. Hopefully we will make some headway.

And if things were not bad enough, on my way to get the Pointsettas for Christmas services today our Volkswagen lost all traction (even at an extremely slow speed) and crashed into the curb while turning into the store. It is still there in the lot, undrivable. Now there will be yet another deductible….yuck. I had driven it all morning to Indianapolis and back. It was just icy as I came into Carmel. Sadly it was the only place I slid. Fortunately no one else was involved.

Anyway, I will not say “it cannot get any worse,” because I am too smart for that! Instead I will sign off for now and look at my sermon for tomorrow. It is suppose to warm up a bit. It doesn’t really matter though. I am just praying for a better day!

Keep the faith!!

Fr. Tom+

Not children of the corn, but corn of the children……..

I really was expecting Amanda to be writing this blog tonight, but as I went up and picked up the laptop next to her sleeping, I noticed it was not there. So I guess I am on my own! I do not fault her one bit either. She said she would, but I also knew she was not feeling well. She has a pretty good excuse!

So it is now quite late, and I am once again typing. I am certain if it were earlier I might be able to conjure up something quite spectacular or even profound. But tonight we will just need to go with what we get.

I was out for a bit tonight and did a lot of driving on my way through the country. Driving through tall fields of corn on both sides of the road is something that really reminds me of home. I know that people often define home as where they live, but I also define it as where I grew up. My hometown, though it still exists, has clearly disappeared from how I knew it. Mishawaka, Indiana was a small town when I grew up, but now it must be ten times as large. And Goshen, where I spent many a weekend and summers with my grandparents has changed a lot too. Progress and development doesn’t always mean what people sometimes think it means. I valued where I grew up, and I still do……but progress and development have made those two great places disappear from how I knew them. To me, it is a sad tale.

But when I get out on a country road and drive through the corn I feel pretty good. I roll my windows down and don’t just take in the sights, but also the sounds and the smells. It takes me back to a very important time. And though I have no regrets about where I am at now, the feelings that well up in me as I reminisce on these drives, do my present day self a whole lot of good. They not only give me a glimpse of my past, but they give me a real shot in the arm too. They are truly a gift from God.

I am pretty tired and will go to bed, but I am hoping for a dream about running out in the corn like we did as kids! Those were such great times. And dreaming may be the only way I get to do that again.

My wife has made it clear…….she doesn’t like it when I act like a lunatic!

Night my friends and God Bless!


Gentleman, start your engine……….

Well it finally arrived……Scotty is 15 and we had a small gathering for his birthday tonight. (Yes, with cake #3). We sat around laughing and talking and listening to Scott and Steph play guitar and sing. Ben got into the act by banging on Steph’s electric guitar, but it didn’t sound nearly as good as Steph. Ben left Scotty’s electric guitar alone. Clearly only two of the three kids are great musicians at this point, but all three try. I went and got Ben my guitar which does not plug into any amp. He banged on that while the other two played……and, he really feel part of the band.

The big thing though was Scott’s birthday. I am so proud of him! He is such a fine young man, and tomorrow will be an even BIGGER DAY for him. Tomorrow we will get his driver’s permit and he will begin to drive! He is SOOOO excited about that and so are we. Scott has tried to drive his entire life, even before he could even talk, and he has talked about it since he learned the words. I know it is going to be a great time. We have worked to get to this day his entire life!

So anyway, Happy Birthday Scotty! You made it and we are proud of you! By 11:00 am tomorrow you will be on the road learning to drive. It’s been a long time coming, and you are ready. I am looking forward to getting into the passenger seat and seeing that smile that will be there all day!

Praise God, my boy has finally done it!

Fr. Tom+