Tag Archives: dogs

Snow days with benefits……..

Praise God, the drywall is almost all up and most of it is taped. The basement is looking like a basement again! That makes me very happy too! I worked from home all day today, and got a lot done, but will have to go out tonight despite the snow to do a few things I didn’t want to haul Ben around with me to do. It should be a quick trip. I have a full schedule on deck for tomorrow.

Days like today when I was a youngster meant money! In the age before snow blowers we used these things that were actually called “snow shovels” and for a couple of bucks we would use them to shovel people’s driveways. Sure, it was the old days, days of horse-drawn carriages and dinosaurs, but shoveling and mowing lawns was how we made our money, and plus it was a lot of fun.

I still enjoy it too, though I know it can be pretty strenuous. I usually take a Golden or two out with me when I do, because each shovel full is an adventure. I am just trying to get it off the drive and the walks, but they think each one is a playful attack on them. It takes a bit longer to shovel with them “helping,” but it warms up even the coldest night. I never laugh so hard working in all my life. And as I look outside I am afraid we have an opportunity tonight!

So off to get my shovel I go. Stay warm my friends, I know I will. And while I am thinking about dogs, say a prayer for Buster and his owners Mike and Barbara. Good old Buster had surgery to remove a tumor on his side this morning and will spend the night tonight at the animal hospital. He stopped by this morning to see me on his way there. But I am sure he could use it, and I know they would appreciate it. Hopefully he will be going home tomorrow.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


A very very difficult time……

Things seemed so good last night as I finished up everything and let the dogs out. They enjoy going out, but one enjoys pushing the limits, my wife’s dog Spencer. I tell him about 5 to 10 times per time out to “stay in the yard,” but if you take your eye off him for a second, he sometimes bolts down the street or into the corn when it is there. I have chased him more often than I can count, sometimes successfully, but sometimes not. But on the “not” times, if it is night, I wake up about every hour and go check for him at the back door. He gets there every time, sooner or later. All but this time that is.

Last night at 2:30 am we were awoken by the police who were at our door to let us know that Spencer had went out onto the highway and had been struck and killed. We were obviously heartbroken, and Amanda especially. It was a difficult time, and still is.

I went out at 3 am to find him and bring him home, which I did. And though I could not get him to the vet to be cremated today, nor tomorrow, since I have a funeral in Nashville, I will Tuesday. He will then wait to be buried with two of our other dogs, Pepsi (our first Golden), and Tweety (Scotty’s first show dog) when we move to more suitable place to raise and breed Goldens after Scotty graduates. Spencer was a good boy, and part of our family. He deserves to make the trip to the farm….and he will.

Please keep us in your prayers, and particularly Amanda. We just miss him, but we are thankful to have had him.

God Bless.


Of seeing the Lord in the beauty of nature…..

Tonight I find myself on the back porch alone. I guess there is something about 4 adult Golden Retrievers that our cat just can’t tolerate. They are all on the deck, but I am guessing that feels a little too close for her. So I will just attempt to write with the sounds of panting.

We were down at St. Matthew’s in Nashville today for a meeting and we will be back there tomorrow for service as well. Brown County is such a beautiful place, and if there was one regret I had about the day it was that we had to be inside for most of it. I am sure there are very few atheists looking over the trees of Brown County. All that beauty and wonder could convict anyone of the need of a Creator! It could not just happen by chance!

Amanda and I became engaged down there in Brown County for that very reason. I figured if I could distract her with all the beauty of God’s Creation that maybe she would let her guard down and say something stupid! AND IT WORKED! We were there in the Spring, which is my favorite time there. Don’t get me wrong, the changing colors are wonderful, but to me I love the feel and the smell of Spring there.

Anyway, it is too dark to see a thing here and all I hear are the dogs and now the inspiration-killing wrestling match that they have started on their own. But they are all wonderful dogs, they just love to have fun. And tomorrow, when I am done with work, I intend to get them out with me in the middle of some of that nature. Nature is always fun to look at, but nothing is better than hanging out among it with the love of a dog!

Okay, I am off to put them to bed and then myself! Goodnight and God Bless!


Tails of a Faithful Dragonslayer……………

Tonight the cat did not want to come out here on the porch tonight and I cannot imagine why. Perhaps it was the five dogs I had out here with me while Amanda led her Bible Study tonight in the other room. I wanted to let them have a bit of air before it started, but when it rained they became wet, and there’s nothing that says “go sleep in the garage” more than overshadowing all of your wife’s preparation for her guests than to make the house smell like wet dog.

As for the cat, she is not afraid of any of them, even though she weighs just 6 pounds. She is just a typical cat, annoyed easily, and just didn’t want to mess with the five of them…..plus the wet dog smell. Tonight she appears much smarter than me!

But all and all, I loved being out here with them, wet and all. Four of our dogs are show dogs, but to hang with them you would never know it. They are our family, and quite frankly I get a lot out of hanging around them. They are all about tail-wagging fun, and often I am a bit too uptight. I need to get something accomplished, while they constantly tell me to lighten up….after all there is always time to chase just one more ball.

In the times of my life that have been hard, I always have appreciated my family, my friends, and my faith…..but also my beloved dogs. They make no judgements, they hold no expectations. They don’t worry about what kind of day I have or what I need to do. They just love me and are happy to see me.

God knew what He was doing when He made and gave us dogs…..particularly His favorite dog, the Golden Retriever (I bet I get some comments on that one!) But tonight I thank God for those 16 golden legs and 4 wagging golden tails, and yes, even for the 4 legs and 1 tail on our “spare dog,” Amanda’s dog Spencer. They’ve made my night a lot of fun!

Goodnight my friends, and I hope you have had a great day! God bless!

Fr. Tom+

Escape and return to Alcatraz (okay Pebblebrook)……..

As many people know, we breed and show dogs….Golden Retrievers to be exact, yet one of our dogs is not a Golden at all, my wife’s dog Spencer. Spencer is a mutt, and a pretty good dog normally, but he is the one of the five who constantly tests my patience. Many nights when the dogs go out for the last time of the day Spencer takes off, just like he did tonight, making my peaceful back porch not a place of peaceful tranquility, but a place of anxiety and even anger. The Goldens all listen and are well trained, but despite our best efforts Spencer never really listens, nor does he seem to care to. And he sets me back quite a bit when he does this too.

Sadly these days, lots of things test my patience, and though I pray to have more, often I find my patience-reserve turns up empty. I suppose these things build character, but I just can’t seem to “go to the well” as they say like I used to. My mind is clearly different now, and its way of dealing with things is very evident to me in life.

But the good news is that Spencer just returned, and returned without having me have to drive around the neighborhood looking for him, which is the norm. My wife always worries about him and used to say that if anything ever happened to him that there would not be enough Prozac in the world that could help her through (she does not take Prozac, but her drug references always have to promote her company……you can tell she is a Lilly microbiologist…makers of Prozac, can’t you?) And though I do not take it either, I can say if he runs away anymore, there is probably not enough for me either. He is killing me. But at least he is back, and for that I am thankful. Amanda however, is making him hang with me here on the back porch until I am done typing, and somehow it just doesn’t seem as wonderful. It seems I have done something wrong!!!! Spencer is content and sleeping, while I am typing and seething. I know that the Lord loves a forgiving heart, but I am certain his dog doesn’t run away every other day, and if it did, He’d probably turn it into stone. Sadly, I have no such abilities at my disposal.

But no worries! Even though his little jaunt has made this day about an hour longer that I thought it would be, the truth is that the day is still done, and I will be able to go get some sleep. My head now hurts, and my blood pressure is still a bit high I am sure, but we are all safe and at home….even the escapee. My hope and prayer is to write again tomorrow, well rested, happy, healthy, and canine-contained!

Nite my friends, and God bless.


Of going to the dogs………

What happened to the 21st??? Well, it’s gone, and I didn’t post. I did a lot yesterday, but more than anything I enjoyed some time in our backyard with one of our dogs, Viper. I know, his name sounds intimidating, but Viper is just a big old Golden Retriever with a tail that never stops wagging. We actually breed and show Goldens under the name “Angelcreek,” and we have four furry, funny, and friendly dogs. (we also have a spare dog….Amanda’s dog Spencer)

Viper is actually his “call name” or what we call him around the house. As you can imagine, SCOTT picked that name because Viper is Scott’s dog. Viper’s real name is “Charisma’s Anglecreek Snakenshake.” Actually all the dogs (but Spencer)all have real names. There is “Claybrook’s Angelcreek GEN” (for Genesis)….Jenny. “Angelcreek’s Best of the Batch”…….Cookie. And last but certainly not least, “Angelcreek’s I’m Not Mary Ann” …….aka Ginger. All of them are marvelous dogs, sweet as the day is long, and ALWAYS good for me. Regardless of what kind of day I have had, they always are wagging their tails and happy. It has very little to do with food or playtime…it has everything to do with their outlook on life. I learn a lot from them, and yesterday I learned a lot from Viper. Lying in the sun out in the grass watching birds and wagging your tail seemed to be exactly what I needed. (I didn’t have a tail, I borrowed his.)

Yep, my life is going to the dogs. They are great therapists. Where else can you get such a value? All I paid with yesterday was a little time, a few biscuits, and tennis ball!

And, I intend to go back to that therapist later today!

God bless.

Fr. Tom+