Tag Archives: Daylight Savings Time

Does anybody know what time it is? Does anybody really care?

Though I often get into arguments with ardent supporters of Daylight Savings Time, I have never been a fan. I am sitting down to write this blog now at 8:30, but it feels as if it is 11:00pm! Plus, I have yet to pick up Scott at school (he is at rehearsal for the school musical until 9:00 pm, and Stephanie works until 10! I am anxious for the other car to be fixed and have them be able to drive themselves!

I grew up in Indiana, and one thing I was always proud of was never changing our clocks. It was taught that whatever time it was was the time, and that was just that. When I went to grad school and got my first dose of DST I was tired and confused for days. And we did it of course twice a year! It has now been a couple weeks and I am still finding clocks that need to be reset. It drives me nuts!

But what can I do? Like so many others like me I just have to go along. I will admit that at least Ben goes to bed when it is dark now, but in all honesty it really wasn’t an issue because he doesn’t tell time! He just went to sleep when he was laid down!

So I apparently will be all messed up for at least a few more weeks, but I am learning to adjust. Ben and Amanda are still sick, so I suppose having it seem later makes her think at least she is getting more sleep. She is from one of those adjustable states though, so it all seems natural to her.

Anyway, I think it must now either be a lot later or even earlier than when I started typing….heck I do not know. All I can do is look forward to being in heaven someday with Jesus. I am sure He is old-school Indiana……those clocks up there I am sure never change!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.
