Tag Archives: Cubs

Oh me oh my, what to wear……….

Tonight Ben wore his “Brian Urlacher” Chicago Bears jersey and pants, giving me hope that at least one of my children will follow in my incredible footsteps as a Bears’ fan. Sadly I am alone in my hopes for him, since that outfit is one many pro ones he has…….oddly enough all the rest are Colts’ blue.

He wore it to the girls’ lacrosse game tonight and it struck me as funny. When kids are little they can wear jerseys and look cute. Ben was certainly all that too. But Steph and Scott both wear jerseys there and if I called them cute it would insult them. At some point kids move from being cute to being too cool for such childish things! Steph and Scott are both high school lacrosse players now and want to look and be tough. And of course soon, probably by 5 years-old, Ben will be in his first competitive jersey thinking he is tough too…..and from there it will last a lifetime.

I just love watching all three of them (especially in Bears’ gear) grow. I have been blessed with wonderful children, and all three of them remind me of God’s abundant blessings in my life. At least the ALL are Cubs fans. Baseball season is coming and I am looking forward to a house of unity and proper sportswear!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


No proof needed…..God exists….

I am a classically trained priest, and even my undergrad degree is in Religion. And as I have studied, I have found there to be many different arguments for the existence of God….arguments from design, moral arguments, arguments from miracles, and even arguments from the religious experience of rational people.

But how about the most compelling argument to date……the Chicago Cubs have clinched their division and will be heading to the playoffs, which they will win on their way to winning a World Series in October. As a life-long Cubs fan, and therefore a perpetual loser and perennially depressed during baseball season, this has clearly caught my attention. Could it be that after 47 years and 48 if you count my time in the womb, that the Lord has indeed finally decided to answer my prayers? That’s what I am thinking (no, not that I am nuts, but that the Lord is finally taking the Cubs out of the wilderness!)

My friends, I grew up a Cubs and Bears fan…..it was part of my heritage and though I wrote about the wedding I did yesterday, I knew I would write on this as soon as I could. Pray for me and my beloved Cubs (and Scotty’s Cubs too….and Ben’s though he does not yet know it). We have a few games to win before popping the cork on the old champagne (and sparkling apple juice for the kids) BUT at least we are finally there!

The following are the words to a hymn where I come from….I hope you find them as moving as I do.

Baseball season’s underway
Well you better get ready for a brand new day.
Hey, Chicago, what do you say
The Cubs are gonna win today.
They’re singing …
Go, Cubs, go Go, Cubs, go
Hey, Chicago, what do you say
The Cubs are gonna win today.
Go, Cubs, go Go, Cubs, go
Hey, Chicago, what do you say
The Cubs are gonna win today.
They got the power, they got the speed
To be the best in the National League
Well this is the year and Cubs are real
So come on down to Wrigley Field
We’re singing now …
Go, Cubs, go Go, Cubs, go
Hey, Chicago, what do you say
The Cubs are gonna win today.
Go, Cubs, go Go, Cubs, go
Hey, Chicago, what do you say
The Cubs are gonna win today.
Baseball time is here again
You can catch it all on WGN
So stamp you feet and clap your hands
Chicago Cubs got the greatest fans.
You’re singing now …
Go, Cubs, go Go, Cubs, go
Hey, Chicago, what do you say
The Cubs are gonna win today.
Go, Cubs, go Go, Cubs, go
Hey, Chicago, what do you say
The Cubs are gonna win today


Fr. Tom+