Tag Archives: cool night

Viva a cool Fall evening!!!

Today we finally got Steph’s car to the body shop and she and I are on our way to no longer sharing a car, although it may be a while. Ben is back on a pretty regular schedule, and Puddy and I are out on the back porch at a wonderfully cool 37 degrees! To me it feels just about perfect!

I know that most people love the warmth of Summer, and though it is nice, for me I prefer it about like it is tonight. In fact, the breeze I feel tonight is about the same way the breeze feels when I skate. It brings back a lot to me. It centers me and actually makes me feel quite good. Of course when I type out here in this weather it also assures no distractions other than the cat waiting for the birds to return (which I hate to tell her will be in the Spring).

I always wondered why the Lord made the different seasons, since each one is so different. Maybe it’s because people are different too and have all sorts of different likes and dislikes, needs and wants. And though I love to cold, I really enjoy all the seasons. That’s one of the reasons I like Indiana…..you get them all. No offense to Florida, but when I lived there I could never get used to hearing “Merry Christmas” from someone in a winter coat when it was 75 degrees!

Anyway I will sign off for now and head back into the inferno (65 degrees) inside the house. I live in a house of apparent potential Floridians…but cheap ones since it is just 65 degrees! But I am glad to have this brief time to enjoy the Lord’s blessing of this crisp cool night and to share it with you as well. I hope you have had a great day….warm or cold, and one filled with the Lord’s many and abundant blessings!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!
