Tag Archives: conviction

Of high blood pressure and the prayers for Godly leadership……..

With my schedule, I have to get most of my news from the Internet, and I have to say that as I have read about the upcoming Lambeth Conference, it is just making my blood boil. Bishops from all over the world are posturing and making their political moves, while real people are neither being fed nor led.

I just finished an article a few minutes ago which cited an interview with Gene Robinson, the gay Episcopal bishop of New Hampshire, who despite not being invited to Lambeth, and despite being one of the primary epicenters of conflict and schism in the Anglican Communion, shoots off his mouth (irresponsibly in my mind) unapologetically and with conviction. AND he heads to Lambeth anyway!

I want to be clear, I do not agree with one bit of Gene Robinson, nor do I find him anything less than offensive, but I will say I believe more conservative Bishops, (and also the ones who confess to be) would be far better off standing with such backbone and conviction. Bishops are supposed to be “defenders of the faith,” but in my experience I have found very few leaders and defenders, and many more weasels and politicians. I did not, and could not be among them. I was convicted in my heart by the Lord to leave the Episcopal Church because of it. I just could not follow opportunistic or immoral leadership.

But even more than that, it points to what we are doing when we follow such errant leadership. The question I suppose is “can we really be living faithfully if we align ourselves by our presence and support, either directly or indirectly, with such rubbish? I don’t think we can. I was always the pastor of good and faithful churches, but it was still a question I had to ask. In the end, I saw the truth. The Bible tells us that you cannot serve two masters. If I was preaching truth but in bed with corruption, well then, I was only deceiving myself. They say that ignorance is bliss, but not when it is risking people’s souls. A paycheck verses my faith and conscience? No no no……I made the right choice. It’s just too bad many of our leaders haven’t been able to make similar ones.

I believe a lot of the leadership I have known has been lost in a sense of their own self-importance over their faith. You cannot complain about what you know is wrong, but then just wait for a time that is safe for you to hop on the train. Lots of guys I knew were doing that, but that’s not leadership. The Lord requires us to pick up our crosses, to do the right thing, and it cannot be just when we find it to be our best opportunity or about what we can lose (such as our cushy offices or our retirements) Jesus indeed requires more.

You know, I will never agree with Gene Robinson, nor any of his cronies. They spout out about all the homophobes, and label priests like me and others in the conservative side of the faith as ignorant, discriminatory, and even intolerant……but I know better. Jesus said, “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” (Mt. 5:11-12)

I do not fear where I am at, nor do I regret being here, for though many have led good people astray, I know I am not one of them. So for now I will pray diligently to see Godly leadership step up, speak up, and lead.

But until then I can see that I will need to be watching my blood pressure.

God bless and keep the faith. It’s worth all your efforts, I swear.

Fr. Tom+