Tag Archives: confusion

Of being “in the zone”……the twilight zone that is.

Today has been unusual to say the least, but as I am at the end of it I have very little recollection of what I did. Occasionally, when I do too much, things run together and confusion runs high. Don’t get me wrong, I am immensely better, but days like today that should be big victories seem more frustrating than anything because of all the jumbled thoughts.

So this is to say….I am giving up the day and handing it back to God. I begin very early tomorrow and end very late, and unlike a movie star, I do not have “my peeps” to handle a bunch of stuff for me.

So it has been (I think) a pretty good day. But I can let you know for sure as things level off tomorrow. For now however, sleep is my cure of choice.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

Tom+ (I think)

Does anybody know what time it is? Does anybody really care?

Though I often get into arguments with ardent supporters of Daylight Savings Time, I have never been a fan. I am sitting down to write this blog now at 8:30, but it feels as if it is 11:00pm! Plus, I have yet to pick up Scott at school (he is at rehearsal for the school musical until 9:00 pm, and Stephanie works until 10! I am anxious for the other car to be fixed and have them be able to drive themselves!

I grew up in Indiana, and one thing I was always proud of was never changing our clocks. It was taught that whatever time it was was the time, and that was just that. When I went to grad school and got my first dose of DST I was tired and confused for days. And we did it of course twice a year! It has now been a couple weeks and I am still finding clocks that need to be reset. It drives me nuts!

But what can I do? Like so many others like me I just have to go along. I will admit that at least Ben goes to bed when it is dark now, but in all honesty it really wasn’t an issue because he doesn’t tell time! He just went to sleep when he was laid down!

So I apparently will be all messed up for at least a few more weeks, but I am learning to adjust. Ben and Amanda are still sick, so I suppose having it seem later makes her think at least she is getting more sleep. She is from one of those adjustable states though, so it all seems natural to her.

Anyway, I think it must now either be a lot later or even earlier than when I started typing….heck I do not know. All I can do is look forward to being in heaven someday with Jesus. I am sure He is old-school Indiana……those clocks up there I am sure never change!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Of recovery, confusion, stumbling and philosophy…….

For those of you who have been wondering, Ben has made a remarkable recovery! His attention getting fever seemed to last just as long as he needed it too, and he reminded me as he took up most of our bed last night and spent the entire time kicking me in the ribs. He was no worse for the wear today, and for it we are all thankful. He is back to his usual jovial self!

My day however has been long. I worked all day and have a bit more to go before Sunday. Sermons come harder post-stroke, but I like them because they cause me to dig deeper. I suppose we could call it exercise for my mind. The proof is in the pudding though. Even though I work hard I suppose there is always the possibility that after hearing my sermon people may think my mind is out of shape! (But if so, hopefully not morbidly so!) I try hard, and I really do feel I have made good progress. With time I hope that I am satisfied with how I am doing myself. After all, I am my own harshest critic!

To report, a group of us spent all morning yesterday hoping to finalize a location for St. Patrick’s in Noblesville, but sadly we could not agree. As frustrating as that is for me, I know the implications are deeper. I really do believe that the Lord will provide what we need at the right time, but yesterday just never got to the point we all felt right. He however is very near, and I know resolution is right around the corner! Keep praying!

Anyway, I think I will go to bed early. After all, as the old saying goes, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man just tired still in the morning.” At least that’s what I think, but what do I ever know in such a confused state?

Good night my friends and God Bless.


What a mess….

Amanda and I are attempting to start a daily devotion on this blog site that we hope we can do together. Unfortunately, she is asleep, and I am confused, so I am really unclear as to how I got back to this blog, since I have been trying for quite some time!

Please check back tomorrow to see if we (I) have figured it out! I am pretty stressed by what I have messed up so far, so I am going to consider this short post a victory and just call it a night!

God bless you my friends! I hope we have two blogs to share with you by tomorrow night!!

Thanks for your patience!

Fr. Tom+