Tag Archives: clergy

Awakening? How can it be? I’m tired!

Today has been a long day, but overall a good one. The clergy of our district (that made up my first meeting here in Akron) are some of the finest people I know, and it is always uplifting to be around them. We are not just colleagues, but good friends. I truly feel blessed to spend time with them.

The second part (the part that now lasts until Thursday) is what is called the Anglican Awakening. It is a gathering of Anglicans from across many jurisdictions to talk about a variety of issues facing the Church as well as to worship with each other and pray for each other. It is an important gathering, particularly with the current ongoing Reformation taking place in the Anglican Communion. These are people on the front lines of this work, and it is exciting to be here.

It is, however, exhausting. I am just not used to sitting and listening that long, even when it is interesting! I am SO THANKFUL I was there after a good night’s sleep, but even with that it was trying. Pray that I will have more energy tomorrow….particularly in that it is a longer day! I would rather come back with a report of what went on, rather than having to report how many naps I had to take!

Anyway, I miss my family and of course the good people of Indiana, God’s FAVORITE STATE! I love Ohio, but I love home more…….and I am looking forward to being home very soon!

Goodnight my friends from the Home of the Akron Zips (really) and God Bless.

Fr. Tom+

Of fireworks, my porch, and God’s many blessings…….

Well my back porch is getting more spectacular with each passing night, because now as I look off to the southeast, in the distance, I am seeing the fireworks being set off at Conner Prairie’s “Symphony on the Prairie.” I have been to it many times, but unfortunately not this year. And despite my attempts, I cannot remember any year watching it from my porch. But it is a great site from any direction I am sure.

It is suppose to rain tonight, so I am glad the fireworks went off before the storm. I love both fireworks and storms, but I cannot help but think of those hundreds of people on blankets out there in the field listening to the symphony and watching the fireworks, and what a mud pit it would be if it started to pour! It’s such a wonderful place and such a wonderful event. I am glad the rain will arrive post-show, and not ruin the night for anyone.

As for me, I have enjoyed tonight’s unexpected gift. It was a nice addition to a great day, and the perfect way to end the night. Tomorrow Father Chuck, Deacon PT and Deacon Dan and I are meeting in Nashville. We may have a big announcement about that meeting very soon! But even more than that, I am looking forward to getting together with them. We get together weekly, and I love it so much because they are among the finest people I know. (and no, I haven’t been drinking!) It is just a blessing to work with friends, and to love to do what you do! It is no wonder we are seeing such marvelous things happen in our ministry as a Church!

Say a prayer for us tomorrow for safe travel, and please enjoy your day. No, there is not much substance to this tonight, but quite frankly I believe the fireworks were a gift from God for my over-reeling mind. Sometimes you just need to sit back and relax. I am thankful for that opportunity tonight!

Say your prayers and enjoy a good night’s sleep! May tomorrow be a blessed day for us all!


Of Mondays and the Blessing of the Care of Children…….

I know people often complain about Mondays, but for me, I enjoy them. My busiest time of the week is generally the weekend, so Monday becomes a “catch-up” day for me. On Mondays I almost always have Ben with me too (as I do today) so my Mondays also include a few bottles, diapers (all for Ben), and a lot of Nick Jr and Disney channel playing in the background.

But Mondays in fact, help to reflect a truth in my life. As many people know, I talk a lot about the importance of family, and being involved in the lives of your children. And of course, I believe that you can’t just “talk the talk,” but you have to “walk the walk” as well. Over the course of my life I have seen very few clergy model that in a healthy way, often only reinforcing the stereotype that clergy children will be the “wild ones,” or the ones who will misbehave. That can’t be, and won’t be the case for my children. I am certain they all would tell you (especially 7-month old Ben if he could talk) that I spend a lot of time invested in their lives!

In fact, many of us have been blessed by the Lord with the gift of children, and clergy or not, our call to care for them and instruct them is the same for us all. Of course we all know that being involved and invested in our children’s lives is no gaurantee that they will turn out to be model adolescents and adults, but the odds are sure quite better when we try. In fact, the Bible talks A LOT about our responsibilities as adults to not just care for, but to instruct, our children. And we know from psychology that our role is in fact VITAL to our children’s development and future!

As for me, today I will spend time singing “Get on the Bus” along with the Doodlebops (Ben’s favorite song), dancing with the numbers train, and maybe a little later working as a homework aide, coach, counselor, or as a mechanic for my daughter’s car. In between, I will “catch up” while I enjoy it all.

God has blessed me with a great family and with the opportunity to choose to be an involved parent (and husband). So thank God for Mondays!! Ben and I enjoy them, and I really do get a lot of QUALITY work done!

I hope and pray you make the most of the opportunities that the Lord is providing you!

God Bless!

Fr Tom+