Tag Archives: Christmas

Merry Christmas!

Well all the services have taken place and we are home. The day has been long but fruitful, and as I reflect upon it I can easily admit how very blessed I am. I love what I do, and love the people I am called to do it among. Celebrating Christmas with them is a blessing to me that I am so very thankful for.

I am writing this entry in bed, next to Ben, who is out like a light. Amanda is still downstairs wrapping the last gift. I got Ben because she has had him all day and he was grouchy…..and, I am the world’s worst wrapper. It frustrates me and then it just gets worse. I am so meticulous about so many things, but wrapping is not one of them! Yep, another blessing…..Ben is out and grouchy no more. This has turned out to be a pretty sweet deal.

Anyway my friends, I want to wish Christmas Blessings to you this Christmas Eve. Have a blessed day tomorrow as well!

Merry Christmas and God Bless!

Fr. Tom+