Tag Archives: cell phones

Times are a-changin………

I was out and about today, and as I was driving I was amazed at how many people were talking on cell phones as they drove. It reminded me of a conversation I had with Steph last week who keeps in touch with her boyfriend and all her other friends now by “texting.” She was surprised by our conversation when I said we used to actually “see” people, and when we couldn’t see them we would talk to them on the telephone……with both cords and rotary dials, but not constantly.

Technology, with its pros and cons, has come a long way. In college there were no personal computers, yet today this blog, and tons of stuff I do for work and for my family gets done by one of our computers at home. I remember that my first cell phone was as big as a football and actually looked like a phone. And my first pager broadcast voices rather than numbers. Times have changed! All my sermons are now in computer files, our church has a website, and much of my world is entrenched in cyberspace!

My teenagers however, still think I am in the dark ages……like I drive a chariot and use an abacus. But I know better. The computer age has made communication much more efficient. As a church, we seem to get a lot more done. And, in this world of modern technology, if we are going to reach the generations to come, we need to be out in front of all that is happening.

I confess however, I do miss the old days where I could be out away from anything that could ring or send me email. As a matter of fact, though I type many of these blogs on my back porch using my laptop, my back porch is much more enjoyable without the computer and with just me and Puddy relaxing.

I know , I know…….I am a dinosaur in many ways, but as Pastor Rick Warren says, this life is just preparation for the next. I need some peace, and I am practicing, because I am pretty sure there will be no cell phones in heaven! I will put it into my prayer list on my PDA. After all, one can only hope!

Nite and God Bless.

Fr. Tom+