Tag Archives: cat

Attempted feline flim flams and good ole rest…..

It is now about 10:30 and I am finally home after a very long day. I have to say it feels great to be here too. I am typing this while in my bed, much to the cat’s chagrin too. She wants me to go downstairs and give her some treats. I do that every morning, and though I have had a stroke, I am certainly not stupid! I still know the difference between morning and night……she will have to wait.

Tomorrow awaits and God Willing I will wake to it…..for my sake as well as the cat’s. But for now I must call it a day. I have been up 19 straight hours with very little rest. I am thankful for my bed and this day’s end.

Goodnight and God Bless.


Of birds, clouds, and sleeping babies…….

Well I suppose I should not complain. I am writing this on my back porch, with a glass of wine, and Ben fast asleep in his highchair (thanks Jo and Flo) right next to me! Steph is in the office working on a summer book report, and Scott and Amanda are out practicing driving (Scott is the one practicing too, Amanda is the supervisor!). The cat is out here with us looking through the screen at birds she will never get to chase (she is an indoor cat), and Mercy Me is playing on the CD player! All is well tonight in the Tirman home!

The weekend, all and all, went pretty well. I did all three services and only stumbled a bit on the last one. (I deserve the glass of wine!) But it did take a toll on me……I had to rest most of the afternoon. I have always heard that people who have suffered strokes need to sleep a lot and I can verify that to be true. When your brain says no more it really means it, and mine occasionally says it quite firmly. But, after a short nap, I feel just fine.

Actually, I am beginning to feel better than I have in a long time. I know I had a few miserable days at the end of the week, but they seem to be much more of an anomaly considering how good I feel now. It makes me quite hopeful for the future. Sure, I still worry about my memory and the reeling thoughts I have all the time, but I feel different, and that’s not just a good thing, it’s a big thing!

You know, I hear all the time “your much too young to have had a stroke,” and I want you to know I agree…..but it doesn’t change the reality of my world. Like anyone, I just meet each new day dealing with what comes my way. I am glad to be where I am, and thankful for the perspective this has given me and the blessings it has brought my way. I have seen the best in people and I have been presented with personal challenges that in the end I will not just overcome, but that will make me a better man.

But for now that’s too much to think about……I will just enjoy the view from my porch. Life is good, and I am thankful for the opportunity to live it. I had a good day……thanks for checking in on me today…

God Bless!
