Tag Archives: car

Being thankful for the important and right things……

It has been a stressful day. Amanda and Ben are still out of town, and this morning Steph (who was driving) and Scott got in an accident with two other cars on their way to school. A friend of theirs was also riding in the car, and although no one was hurt, as a parent it still weighs heavily on your heart. I am so very thankful they are all fine. A car we can fix.

But the stress and worry has me struggling to keep things straight! I have a gathering tomorrow to be at in Nashville in the morning at St. Matthew’s, but I am supposed to bring quite a few things with me, and in the fog I am wondering whether or not I will remember. Fortunately people are pretty forgiving and what I do forget, if indeed I do, I can go buy someplace down there.

With all of it though I need to say I must now go to bed. The posting times of these entries do not reflect the time or time zone I write them in. It is now 1:30 in the morning and I am leaving in 6 hours. Stress and too many things happening is never my friend, but I will not make it worse…..I will sign off and go try and sleep.

Thanks for checking in! Say a prayer of thanksgiving with me today! I hope you have had a blessed day!

Good night and God Bless!


Of traveling through space and time…….

Do you remember as a kid falling asleep in your parents’ car on a long trip? I do. You could never understand why they were so tired and looked so spent. After all, you were asleep shortly after pulling out of the driveway and unconscious most of the way. To you, it seemed like minutes, or even instantaneous. In fact, while you snoozed, a lot of miles went on that car, and usually on your parents as well.

Our son Ben often has the same experience. His carseat seems to be an amazing sleep-aid, and he sees very little when we drive other than the back of his eye lids. Of course the rest of my family is not too much better. If there were a kingdom of car-sleepers my wife Amanda would be their queen. Steph sleeps a lot in the car too. Scott WILL stay up and navigate BUT ONLY if he is allowed to sit in the front seat. I clearly live with a family of snoozers, and I am worried that it might be contagious.

Here’s why….last night, after an extremely good day for me, I sat down in our recliner to write Friday’s entry on this blog. It was probably a little after 10pm when I started, yet when I looked down to see what I had written (since I didn’t remember) suddenly it showed it was 3:50 am!!! AND, though I was certain I did, I hadn’t written a thing! I apparently needed the rest! But as you know, I am learning…..so instead of being upset or frustrated and trying to push something through, I just calmly closed my laptop, set it on the table, and went up to bed. After all, it is the second day of Neighborhood Garage Sale Day, and my wife (who is absolutely possessed by things like this) I was certain, would have us up in about 5 minutes so we could offer an “early bird special.” Fortunately for me it was one of the many times I have been wrong!

So my day went well, but my night seemed just like one of those car rides I described. I did wake up this morning with a headache, but hopefully that will be gone soon. I am just thankful for the opportunity the Lord gives me to live this, and every day. And, I intend to make the most of it!

My friend Kelly arrives tonight (he is a priest form Ohio) so that he can take the services for me tomorrow. And Deacon Dan is covering Nashville tonight. Everyone is doing a lot for us and for the Church and we deeply appreciate it.

My friends, I hope you enjoy this wonderful day…I hope not to nap (intentionally or unintentionally). I would hate to miss a minute of it!

God Bless.
