Tag Archives: calls

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow!!!!

As amazing as it sounds, I not only called Mike Constantine today, but I had the opportunity to talk with him too! Praise God! Mike is such a fine man, and I felt so terrible about my memory, and said so again and again. He was so gracious and understanding. He is a good man! He will be up here in a few months (he and his family live in Little Rock)and I will have the opportunity to get together with him then. I am looking forward to it.

Now of course, I wish I could remember to call Geri Anderson!!!! Okay, I know that sounds like a joke, but I think I wrote about her some time ago. Geri is the Director of the St. Andrew’s Preschool in Spring Hill, Florida, part of the Church I worked at when I was first ordained in the late 80’s. Geri had sent me a letter talking about I think the 30th Anniversary and asked for a letter talking about the time I was there which would be displayed with similar letters from others over all those years.

I was SO EXCITED to read that letter that I sat down and wrote mine right away. I could remember people and details, and how the members of the preschool class were special guests at my ordination to the priesthood. I have a picture of my brother with them when he was just Ben’s age now at that event. And, I still have every gift they gave me. I was so happy to write the letter…..it’s just a crying shame that it has been sitting on my desktop since the moment I wrote it. That’s right, I forgot. Stupid huh? I wrote it September 12th.

Anyway, I am going to contact Geri next week. And your prayers worked so well with Mike, I am asking for them again so I remember this with Geri! It would be nice to conquer this as well.

My friends it has been a GREAT DAY! I will speak more about it in my blog entry this Sunday, but your help in praying for my memory has been greatly appreciated!

As for me, I am off to take my wife to get an ice cream! I am tired, but I am happy, and I still know what side of the bread to butter!

Good night my friends and God Bless!
