Tag Archives: busy

Of living at and in the pseudo-airport……….

The industrial fans are running and their friends the industrial dehumidifiers are on as well. We are so used to these that they are like furniture. And though it sounds like we are working as a ground crew for an airplane that has its engines on, the good news is that this airplane is going to be taking off…..perhaps Monday morning. We were out looking for flooring this afternoon, and by Monday that should be done too…….leaving nothing but putting it all back together for us to live in (hopefully) blissful peace.

In truth, I am glad that all this is coming to an end. Our house has been out of commission too long. It is hard to have things piled up in different areas, and though the guys who work to put it all together are great guys, and I mean really great guys, it is hard having people in and out all the time. And with our busy schedules, adding all this in just makes things so hard. It will be nice to get back to our regular chaotic lives.

Anyway, nothing too deep today. It has been a busy but productive day. I am looking forward to tomorrow too. It is always such a privilege to be among such wonderful people. I hope you have had a great day!

God Bless!


Oh Monday Monday!!!

I know some people hate Mondays, but for me it is actually my lightest day. Though my wife leads a Bible Study at our home on Monday nights, generally it is a day for me to catch up.

Deacon Morgan and I met to look at a couple of facilities for St. Patrick’s in Noblesville, but beyond that I have just worked from home. Tomorrow steps it up a bit with lacrosse practice and even a guitar concert Tuesday night that both Steph and Scott are in. The rest of the week is packed until Sunday afternoon! Hopefully as I get off my feet and relax on Sunday much of our work will have paid off and we will have found a permanent facility for St. Patrick’s.

But my thoughts go to my beloved daughter who came tonight from her part time job at CVS complaining how busy she was and how overwhelming it was. Amanda and I were only chuckling under our breath. Of course in looking at any week, I would love to trade it for as busy I was in high school. The kids have a lot yet to pile on, but we as a people learn by experience. She will, like we all do, find her easier days, and hopefully get rest. We need to remember how important rest is for the soul…..for even the Lord Himself rested.

Okay, off to bed! I need to get up early to put my feet in those starting blocks. The week’s race is set before me……and it looks to be a long distance run!

Goodnight my friends, and God Bless.

Fr. Tom+

The Good Stuff…….

It’s been a busy 24 hours. Last night I had my second sleep study in 10 months and I was happy to get it behind me. The doctors are collecting a lot of different pieces of information about me in order to set what we need to do from this point. So far no news….but stay tuned!

And tonight, after a busy day, Amanda and I went to see Scott play in his very first lacrosse game! Scott plays right now for one of the high school’s indoor teams, getting ready for the regular lacrosse season in the Spring. It was a great time, even though we lost. Scott got a real education, in that he was no longer out in the yard with a long retired hockey player knocking him around, he was out with some pretty large high school athletes with sticks, pads, and attitudes! He did score, which was awesome, but even as a good-sized athlete, I know he was surprised by the opponents size, speed, and aggression. It was so much fun to see him so excited about continuing to play! Steph plays tomorrow night, and as the women’s coach, we are excited about that too!

Anyway, not a lot of religion tonight, but the ramblings of a proud dad. All the busy-ness was well worth the wait. It is great to be dad….I always can see God’s blessings when I spend time with my kids!

Good night my friends and God Bless!


Over-cooked, over-done….

It has been an exceptionally busy day and I am totally exhausted, and with that, I have a lot of anxiety about what I need to write. I will not be able to write much tonight however, in that my mind is frazzled and I am really not able to think in the way that I should. So for tonight I will ask for your forgiveness and a pass of writing. I will be more apt to write something full of purpose and meaning tomorrow….and if not purpose and meaning, at least a minimal level of competency.

After all, this needs to be professional work!

Nite my friends and God bless. Thanks for your understanding!

Fr. Tom+

It’s late, I’m bored, and I am tired…..thank GOD!

Well tonight there is no moon, no fireworks, and no distractions because I am writing this early. It has been a busy day and I can’t even begin to express how ready I am to get some sleep! So tonight my daughter’s beliefs that I am “so old” will not be dispelled. I will hit the bed before 10pm tonight (which I believe is pretty late anyhow, but please don’t tell Steph)

In addition to wearing myself out today however I got a lot of things done. We made some progress on our plans for St. Paul’s Greenfield. I was able to speak with my friend Sister Sarah Masterson who is a nun in the northern part of the state. I finished up some final touches on my sermon for tomorrow. And in addition to the usual office stuff, Ben and I also did a few home repairs between the macaroni and cheese and sippy cups. (That’s all Amanda allows me to use, she says I’m messy)

But regardless, lately it seems it always comes down to Puddy and I out here on the porch typing at the end of the day. She’s the perfect assistant to be out here with me as I type, because unlike her canine companions, she never drops a wet ball into my lap or eats the porch rails or the chairs. She just watches birds and bugs till I finish up and we go in. I appreciate her company for the hour or so we are usually out here together….it’s clearly quality time. After all she sleeps about 22 hours a day, and to give me half of her awake time in a day makes me feel tremendously important.

Though I rarely watched it, Jerry Seinfeld made a great living in starring in a show about nothing. Somehow I feel like my day today could be one of his episodes. Not everyday in the life of a priest contains an amazing transformation, an interrupted wedding (at the objection part), the confession of a murder, or an exorcism! If you are expecting any of that, you are watching way too much TV…..(or it may be happening tomorrow). Today was pretty routine!

But today, more than anything, was just a day I got to enjoy with my youngest boy where not a whole lot happened…..thank God for that too!

I will count it as a win, and hit the bed for hopefully some quality sleep.

It has been a great day…..I pray that yours has been one too!

Nite and God bless!


Of busy bees, brains, and brawn……..

Under the circumstances, I suppose I should be happy to remember to post, especially since the tardiness in this case is not a product of my damaged brain as much as it is just being busy. For me, I believe that is a good thing, in that I seem to be thriving and showing a lot of progress as I give myself things to do. Being busy has been a real blessing for me, and it has focused my attention and energy upon life rather than illness.

I have another busy day ahead, but I just wanted to say thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers. It seems to be making a difference….after all I know the busy bee always gets the worm.

I know, I know……I am not quite right. But then again, I never really was! But I am getting stronger every day!

Keep praying and thanks!

Fr. Tom+