Tag Archives: bruised

Standing in the line of fire……….

Tonight I watched proudly as my son Scott took his turn in the net as goalie for his lacrosse team. Each player takes a turn, but I do not think they all enjoy it. Scott survived it, and he has the war-wounds to prove it. But I am certain he is not anxious to get in there again anytime soon. The team they were playing tonight was pretty good.

Sometimes it’s hard to just sit back and watch your kids do things without interjecting yourself. You just love them and you want to protect them. I remember the first time I left him at school, the first time I put him on the school bus, the first sleep-over, the first time away. All of them produced anxiety, yet somehow, someway, he managed to survive without me.

Tonight his knees are a bit torn up, his body is a bit achy, and he is bruised in a couple of places pretty good……but there is nothing wrong with his self-esteem. He looks at it more as a right of passage I think, and in looking back to my own life, I guess that is how I’d see it as well. It was a battle, and he was in it, taking his turn, being part of the team. I am sure he will always remember it too. I know I will.

Scott’s a pretty great kid, with a heart of gold. I am proud to be his dad. I don’t take it for granted…..I know that I am truly blessed!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.
