Tag Archives: bronchitis

Just one? No thanks, let’s make her’s a double……..

Well this has been one of those instances where I really didn’t want to be right, but unfortunately I am. Though Ben got an “all clear” from the doctor this morning, Amanda did not fare so well. And though I was worried about them both, in truth, she appeared to be much worse.

To make a long story short, she has double pneumonia and bronchitis. The rest and the antibiotics I am certain will help her, but they of course are not instantaneous. I knew she was stubborn before we married, but I told her a week ago when she was heading off to work once again that she would have a hard time getting to work if this killed her. She just laughed it off. I am so very pleased that she is only as stubborn as she is. I was surprised to see her go today.

Anyway, please keep us all, but particularly Amanda, in your prayers. Being sick is no fun, and she is more on the miserable side of everything right now. In time it will change, but I will bet anything she will be up and ready to head to Church in the morning. It is just how she is. I won’t complain. I admire her drive and determination. But I am anticipating her not going Back to the 80’s tonight!

God Bless.
