Tag Archives: birthdays

Of birthdays, family, and of course cake……..

Today is my dad’s birthday, and as always, I made it a point to call him. My dad is 25 years older than me, and though that makes him just 72 this year, (Lord I wish it were just 50) I always pretend it is about 172. He never fails to get me back though, after all my birthday is June 19th. Even at his advanced age he can remember that long! He and I jab back and forth at each other every year, but it is always in good fun. I am just thankful we can.

June is always a big month in our family. After we get Amanda’s birthday out of the way on May 28th (it is our warm up), we celebrate my dad’s, Scotty’s (June 16th), Father’s Day (I am not sure when), my birthday, and then now Ben’s birthday (June 30th)! And we all put on about 15 pounds in 30 days……and most of it comes from cake! I am not a big fan of sweets (unless it is cake) and I can think of no better way to spend the month than laughing, joking, and choking down my favorite poison….cake, with the real buttercream icing!

I suppose if I finally have to come off of medical leave and show everyone how far I have progressed, it may not be the best plan to do so in a semi-diabetic comatose state. But please understand, old habits and family traditions are the hardest to break…..plus, all the graduation parties make it almost impossible. In truth I will take what I can, after all, I am just happy to be back.

And back I am! I am now again working full-time and excited to be doing so. It is not always easy, not always pretty, and sometimes quite a challenge, but I see each day as a gift and as an opportunity. In time, I should be fine, but I do not want to take any of it for granted. God has blessed me, and the future is looking bright. And I thank Him daily for it….and of course for the month of June and all that cake!

I am preaching and celebrating at all three missions this weekend! I hope you and come on out and worship with us!

God Bless and I hope to see you soon!

Fr. Tom+