Tag Archives: Ben

Merry Christmas!

Well all the services have taken place and we are home. The day has been long but fruitful, and as I reflect upon it I can easily admit how very blessed I am. I love what I do, and love the people I am called to do it among. Celebrating Christmas with them is a blessing to me that I am so very thankful for.

I am writing this entry in bed, next to Ben, who is out like a light. Amanda is still downstairs wrapping the last gift. I got Ben because she has had him all day and he was grouchy…..and, I am the world’s worst wrapper. It frustrates me and then it just gets worse. I am so meticulous about so many things, but wrapping is not one of them! Yep, another blessing…..Ben is out and grouchy no more. This has turned out to be a pretty sweet deal.

Anyway my friends, I want to wish Christmas Blessings to you this Christmas Eve. Have a blessed day tomorrow as well!

Merry Christmas and God Bless!

Fr. Tom+

I’m Just Two Tents…………

Tonight I built a tent in our living room for Ben while Amanda and Scott went to Steph’s work to get a few things and take her something to eat. Ben and I had a great time in the tent too. It was made with 4 TV trays and some blankets. We spent much of our time watching the Doodlebops in it and throwing balls at each other. But all good things come to an end. Amanda and Scott got home and soon I was booted from the tent and they replaced me.

Ben soon had to go to bed, and the tent is still up. Ironically, I still see feet sticking out of the bottom…..Scott’s. As everyone else left, Scott stayed. It is not a new thing though. When he was Ben’s age we used to make tents together and he used to fall asleep in them too. He and I will no longer fit in one together….but it sure was moving to see he and Ben in there together.

Anyway, Ben is in bed, Amanda is watching House MD, and Scott is just about 20 minutes from having to abandon his tent and drive me to pick up Steph. Life sure is exciting at the Tirman home, but I would not want it any other way.

Good night my friends and God Bless.


Toddler Turkey Day Recovery Takes Time……

Though it’s only 6:30, Mr. Ben has had enough. Apparently all that Thanksgiving was just too much. He not only slept for close to 15 hours since they returned from my dad’s last night, but he has been fighting to stay awake even now. We have decided to give in, and since I am an early riser there is very little risk. I will be up with him at whatever time. He is just a little guy after all and he needs his rest.

As for me, I may not be long for the night either. It has been a busy day. Scotty and I went down to Nashville to finish up some projects there. Father Chuck went up to see Jane Barrett this morning and the report is good. She is stable and looking good despite all that has happened. I will see her tomorrow. We hope for improvement each day.

When I look at the life I am living it doesn’t fit the stereotype I had of a priest’s life growing up. I guess I just expected them to live these mystical/spiritual lives that were much more contemplative and lofty than the one I live now. I just remember getting older and starting to pay attention. So many clergy seemed egocentric to me, and tended to neglect their families (particularly their kids) instead of holding them close. The term “PK” (preacher’s kid) was synonymous with troublemaker and accepted as such, and that was offensive to me. I didn’t want my kids to live like that and they don’t! My life is busy……busy with family, busy with work, and always on the move. It is not too mystical, but I think it is pretty spiritual. Serving the Lord as a priest, and a husband, AND a father is what it is all about. I am happy my stereotype was wrong and I am happy I truly get it!

Anyway, there are no kids around (or awake) tonight and it is now just 7 pm and we are ALONE! I will pour a little wine and get around to being a great husband! That’s right……Amanda wants me to carry in Christmas totes from the garage. Oh if only some stereotypes were true!

Good night my friends and God Bless.


Working for pole position………

I really did attempt to write this blog entry for tonight, but Ben got up and though it is 9:45, all I can do is sit here and type while my entire family sits around the very table I am writing at and eggs him on. He is cute, and that is fortunate for them all, because I am beat and who can concentrate with the three of them and Ben laughing their brains out in front of me.

In truth, I really don’t mind. There is a lot of love in our times together and it is a pretty awesome thing. Ben really has relationships with each one of us, and with all of us it is different. It is cool to see.

Anyway, I need to finish and get into the action. Ben is giving too much attention to the others and I need to get my share. Not that I am competitive, but I do not want to be in fourth place (or fifth, since he is pretty fond of the cat). And the only way I can up my status is to get into the mix!

So goodnight and God Bless! I am off to improve my position!


PS…..St. Patrick’s lease is now signed!!! Praise God!

Getting closer to the prize………

I am happy to report that Amanda seems to be getting a bit better. Ben still has a whale of a cough, but the doc says he is doing just fine. I am just happy to know they are heading in the right direction. It is hard in a family when one or two people get sick.

I am always reminded however, of our call to serve others before ourselves. I suppose it is easier to do for a family member, but in truth our responsibility goes far beyond that. We were created, not to be all about ourselves, but to care about and for one another and God. It’s a tall order I know, yet one we were indeed made for.

As a priest it is often frustrating for me to see people act self-focused. It is a misunderstanding of the Gospel, and even of the American Dream. It is not that we are not to achieve individually, in fact we are, but we then use what we have gained or even become to freely serve others. No, not by having what we have earned taken by the government and redistributed, that’s socialism. But instead freely giving of ourselves and our resources to reflect both who it is and Whose it is we are. Faith and faithful living are never to be coerced…..they are meant to be our choice. We freely choose God too!

Anyway, after this long day of service I am heading to bed lest I collapse and need some service myself. I am so very pleased we are getting a spirit of health and wellness back here at home. But keep praying…..both Amanda and Ben have a ways to go. And they, as well as I, appreciate your help.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Working long and hard with my mini me………..

Ben, my constant assistant and I spent much of the day together with a few other good friends down in Nashville at St. Matthew’s. We were working on a special project, and it is a surprise of sorts. And though Ben is really not much help, he added moral support as he watched Veggietales’ “Lord of the Beans” probably 30 times. We left St. Matthew’s a little after 8pm, and we are both exhausted. I will be heading down there again in the morning, so hopefully sleep will visit me very soon.

There are often long days like this in the ministry, but few long days like this are quite as fun. We are surrounded by some pretty wonderful people, and even in the middle of hard work it is easy for me to see how very blessed we are. I know we are ALL exhausted, but I am sure we are also all very satisfied with the work of the long day.

Anyway, with these blessed thoughts, and Ben and I’s safe return to home, I will bid you all goodnight. My hope is you have had an equally blessed day. And may we all enjoy another tomorrow!

Goodnight and God Bless.


The toddler son returneth, but he sleepeth not……

Where in the world does he get his energy? Dear Lord, I do not know! Ben arrived (with his mommy) at the Indianapolis International Airport at 12:45, and after a short power nap in the car (about 10 minutes), he was up and remained up and active until he was put to bed FINALLY at 9:45. BUT, I can hear him screaming for someone to come get him even now, so I am pretty sure his awake and active streak is still alive.

But really I do not care. I am so happy to have them home. Scotty, Stephy and I have all felt it has been way too quiet around here (and clean)…..a situation he remedied within minutes of his return. It has been a delight to see our lives get back to normal almost instantaneously!

Anyway, the down-side is that I am exhausted and do need to call it a night. I have played and played all day, but clearly Ben has won every game. I have hardly talked to Amanda at all, but I will if she can get to me before I am unconscious. Unfortunately, I see that happening anytime!

Off to bed for me. Pray for me! Ben and I have a date all day tomorrow!!

Goodnight and God Bless!


The end of a busy day…….

Today many members of St. Patrick’s in Noblesville joined us in Nashville at St. Matthew’s to get an idea of they type of facility we might be able to acquire up north. It was a great day. The people of each mission are so different, and it was great to give them a glimpse of the possibilities! And though there was no cake, there certainly was coffee and donuts as well a lunch…..as I said, it was a great day!

BUT, it was a long day! With all I had to do, I am just finishing up….just prior to 11. I did get to speak with Amanda and Ben, though I understood Ben better. I miss them both and Scotty and I got to talk to them on the phone. Steph, who has a boyfriend AND a life currently, was at the movies. She seemed disappointed to miss their call. We are just two days from their return, so we will just be patient.

I have to say though that I miss Ben running us ragged. I miss Amanda coming to bed talking about how exhausted she is. I miss having Ben as an excuse in order to watch Nickelodeon and Sponge Bob. And I know we all do! Though it is often chaotic, our house is best and blessed when we are all here.

Anyway, that’s it for tonight. I am beat and can go to bed without the expectation of being disturbed…..at least until Monday night. Tonight will be great, but I am looking forward to Monday more!

Good night my friends and God bless!


Of recovery, confusion, stumbling and philosophy…….

For those of you who have been wondering, Ben has made a remarkable recovery! His attention getting fever seemed to last just as long as he needed it too, and he reminded me as he took up most of our bed last night and spent the entire time kicking me in the ribs. He was no worse for the wear today, and for it we are all thankful. He is back to his usual jovial self!

My day however has been long. I worked all day and have a bit more to go before Sunday. Sermons come harder post-stroke, but I like them because they cause me to dig deeper. I suppose we could call it exercise for my mind. The proof is in the pudding though. Even though I work hard I suppose there is always the possibility that after hearing my sermon people may think my mind is out of shape! (But if so, hopefully not morbidly so!) I try hard, and I really do feel I have made good progress. With time I hope that I am satisfied with how I am doing myself. After all, I am my own harshest critic!

To report, a group of us spent all morning yesterday hoping to finalize a location for St. Patrick’s in Noblesville, but sadly we could not agree. As frustrating as that is for me, I know the implications are deeper. I really do believe that the Lord will provide what we need at the right time, but yesterday just never got to the point we all felt right. He however is very near, and I know resolution is right around the corner! Keep praying!

Anyway, I think I will go to bed early. After all, as the old saying goes, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man just tired still in the morning.” At least that’s what I think, but what do I ever know in such a confused state?

Good night my friends and God Bless.


Hunka Hunka Burnin Love……

Well about 75% into the day, our ship finally hit an iceberg! Ben and I went out to lacrosse practice and found that Ben was not only quite irritable, but also quite warm! We had to abruptly cancel practice and head home to put him to bed. He was exhausted, yet despite the Motrin and nap offer, he just laughed and giggled and let me know that the nap was not on his little baby agenda today. Despite my best argument and convincing pleas, Steph finally got him out of his crib to proclaim how very cute he was and how he just wanted to be up. Sadly, they both work on the same team! And as Amanda got home and Scott and I headed to his game, I knew he would be in bed and asleep well before I got home. But you got it…..I was wrong again. Ben does better sick than I do well. I might just need to study under him.

But the day is now over and we are all home and heading to bed. I can’t say that I am disappointed, because I am not. Being a parent is one of God’s greatest gifts. But being the parent of a sick child, especially a baby, is one of the most trying things I know.

Fortunately he seems fine tonight. It must have been “Spoil-me Fever” because he got both. I guess I should be thankful that he knows how to work the women of the house to walk in his ways and it is not wasted on me…….I will pay close attention. Compared to him I am a neophyte in terms of my abilities to get sympathy. We are living with true male-genius!

Anyway, it is bed for me. I am tired and my body aches. Maybe if I throw my cup on the floor and spill a bowl of goldfish crackers I can get someone to give me a Motrin!

Yeah, I know…..fat chance!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. Keep little Ben in your prayers. We appreciate it!

Fr. Tom+