Tag Archives: bed

Of the struggles of diet and recovery…..

It seems as if some days I do quite well, only to spoil it at the end! Tonight for instance, I stayed with my diet till about 9pm and then blew it with a vengeance! Why? I do not know.

But today has been an odd day all around. I slept until noon, though I was up at 6 like normal, intending to start the day. This stupid recovery irritates me at times! I really missed out on six hours that I could have used, yet all the work I have gets to be moved elsewhere and that just adds to stress! It is probably a contributing factor to the blowing of my diet, yet my prayer each day is for the Lord to just help me get through each day sensibly! Perhaps tomorrow He and I can do a better job!

But now it is 9:30, and Ben is in bed, the kids are at the ballgame and nine and one half hours appears to be enough! Keep me in your prayers though. I have a meeting at 8:30 tomorrow and then a wedding at 4:30 (plus a few sermons to complete). I feel like I have a handle on it now, but of course my body may have other ideas! Let’s hope not though! God willing, I will end tomorrow accomplishing a lot and accomplishing it all successfully! The meeting is not as vital, but I would hope to not goof up a wedding!!! Who wants to end up on America’s Funniest Videos anyhow?

So off to bed I go! My 75% success rate today body and I hope to get some sleep! Maybe tomorrow I can keep my hand on the wheel the entire day. It would be nice……everyone deserves a victory when they can get one!

Goodnight my friends, and God Bless!


A great excuse to be short……..

It’s midnight on Saturday and I am just getting home from a long day of meetings and travel. Since I am getting up in just four hours to polish up my sermon and then head to Nashville for a 9am service, I thought I would just pop in and ask for your prayers for me tomorrow. Today, and even the last few days, though productive, were extremely challenging. And though I apparently have survived them since I do think at least that I am home, tomorrow with the 9am in Nashville and the launch of St. Paul’s Greenfield at 1:00pm will take a lot out of me. It concerns me in that I feel way beyond my limit now. Hopefully, with God’s help, all will work out the way He wants it too.

Anyway, all this is to say I am going to just post this cheap excuse tonight and head to bed. God Bless you my friends. It is so great to be back home again in Indiana! Come join us tomorrow in Greenfield if you can. I will be the one sleeping through my own sermon!

Fr. Tom+

Getting in when the cows come home…….

Well I have plenty to say, it just would be irresponsible at this point to be saying it. We just returned from taking Steph and Scott on a day trip, and it is 2:12 am! My body has been pushed over the limit, not by doing too much, but by staying up too long! So I will ask for forgiveness, and promise to write in the morning!

Thanks for understanding! I am sometimes up this late/early, but it usually means something is wrong! Of course tonight/this morning something is……..I am clearly not smart enough to go to bed!

Nite and God bless! I will write in a few hours!


Blessings are sometimes what they make of them!!!!

Last night “Pizza and Movie Night” looked to be a blast. Everyone was ready, there was really nothing in our way……but unfortunately, two of us only partook of the pizza part. Ben decided rather quickly that he was not getting enough attention, which is something he is lately making a career of. So he decided to do what he does best…..he worked hard to entertain everyone. Unfortunately however for Ben, we all were really hoping to be entertained by the movie instead.

So after about 20 minutes of his giggling and attempting to get everyone’s attention, Ben and I departed the basement and went upstairs. He got a bottle, a new diaper, and a ride up to my bed with me where he could talk and giggle all he wanted. Actually, we had a blast. Amanda, Steph, and Scott may have seen a great movie, but I had a personal performance from a comedian who could actually make me laugh! It was a blessing in itself (and it was all mine!!)

And, as we lounged around laughing and playing between his bottle swigs, I wondered just how long he might go on. I soon got my answer. After a few more minutes Ben took one last drink, pitched his bottle to my side, then flipped over towards Amanda’s side of the bed where he promptly conked out! Another one of God’s blessing…perhaps even a MIRACLE! So I finished my night in quasi-solitude, reading and writing with his back toward me and an occasional baby snore….which is hilarious in itself.

As I said yesterday, I have great kids. And all and all it was a fun day. I thank God for the time I get to spend with each of them, though it sometimes, okay it often, doesn’t turn out exactly as I envisioned. They are still all blessings to me. And I would not want them to be any different! Yesterday was fun, and as for today, we intend to have a wonderful Saturday together.

I hope your Saturday is just as wonderful, and full of the marvelous blessings the Lord indeed provides!

God Bless!
