Tag Archives: beauty

Of seeing the Lord in the beauty of nature…..

Tonight I find myself on the back porch alone. I guess there is something about 4 adult Golden Retrievers that our cat just can’t tolerate. They are all on the deck, but I am guessing that feels a little too close for her. So I will just attempt to write with the sounds of panting.

We were down at St. Matthew’s in Nashville today for a meeting and we will be back there tomorrow for service as well. Brown County is such a beautiful place, and if there was one regret I had about the day it was that we had to be inside for most of it. I am sure there are very few atheists looking over the trees of Brown County. All that beauty and wonder could convict anyone of the need of a Creator! It could not just happen by chance!

Amanda and I became engaged down there in Brown County for that very reason. I figured if I could distract her with all the beauty of God’s Creation that maybe she would let her guard down and say something stupid! AND IT WORKED! We were there in the Spring, which is my favorite time there. Don’t get me wrong, the changing colors are wonderful, but to me I love the feel and the smell of Spring there.

Anyway, it is too dark to see a thing here and all I hear are the dogs and now the inspiration-killing wrestling match that they have started on their own. But they are all wonderful dogs, they just love to have fun. And tomorrow, when I am done with work, I intend to get them out with me in the middle of some of that nature. Nature is always fun to look at, but nothing is better than hanging out among it with the love of a dog!

Okay, I am off to put them to bed and then myself! Goodnight and God Bless!
