Tag Archives: basement

Under the water……again!!

Today I ventured out with Deacon PT to move a refrigerator (thanks Jo!) to St. Patrick’s and to get a few other things done. Amanda picked me up at the church and when we got home we discovered a pipe had burst in our wall and our basement was flooded ONCE AGAIN! Our main floor was flooded in parts as well.

Fortunately for us, the good people at Indiana Restoration were out in no time. Sadly I know many of them on a first-name basis, but they are pretty great guys. Our water is still not repaired, but they were able to shut it off at the street. I am still waiting on a call back from a plumber. It is amazing to me how many 24 hour, 7 days a week, emergency service told me they could get here tomorrow….despite hearing the water running into my basement. An ad is an ad I guess. I just want someone with integrity who can come and fix my pipes. If I do not hear from someone soon I will do it myself.

Anyway, there is no goodnight at this point. It is just 4:30 in the afternoon. Our pipes will be fixed and Indiana Restoration will repair our basement, and our insurance agent will wonder why her ever got involved with us in the first place. But in the whole scheme of things these are relatively small problems. I am just glad we are on our way to resolving them.

I will keep you posted. Keep us in your prayers! Christmas is going to be a bit different this year!!

God Bless!
