Tag Archives: Back to the 80’s

Back to the 80’s…..again.

Tonight we went “Back to the 80’s.” It’s the Noblesville High School Musical that Scotty is in, and a few other kids I know from over the years. It was awesome, and I am more than happy to tell you I will be there tomorrow and Saturday nights as well. I laughed pretty hard. And though I graduated from high school in 1979 and college in 1984, I still remembered all those songs. They were bad then, and are much better in parody!

We got to sit by one of my two college roommates (Jeff), his wife (also from college, Paula) and their two youngest boys. Their oldest son Evan was in the play like Scott was. And where Scott was this happy-go-lucky goofball student (yes, art often imitates life), Evan was the kids’ twisted and conflicted teacher. I don’t think Jeff, nor Paula, not I could have ever predicted ever having such a laughter-filled night provided by our kids, but we sure did enjoy it! I cannot remember laughing that hard in a long time.

“Back to the 80’s” made a lot of fun of a generation of which I was a part. It was convicting to say the least. Their “costumes” looked pretty familiar, and yep a lot of people talked like that back then. What we thought was cool looks pretty silly now, but I don’t mind being made fun of.

After all, they will have kids of their own some day and then it will be their turn. I am looking forward to it!

God Bless you my friends!

Fr. Tom+