Tag Archives: baby

Taking him back out of the saddle…….but just as a favor

It is late and Tom is still en route to home from a meeting for the launching of St. Paul’s in Greenfield. I thought I would help him out.

My friend, Ashley, recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl names Lucy Jane. I had the honor of seeing her when she was only 2 days old. Such a precious tiny miracle to see! I am just so amazed by the miracle of life. We have prayed for her during the pregnancy, and the Lord blessed us all with her as she came into our world.

Babies are keenly aware of their need for care from their parents. It seems like they know right where to find comfort and security…snuggling up in the arms of Mommy or Daddy. They are loved, fed, changed, bathed, soothed, and nurtured constantly. All this is so obvious! But where I am truly amazed is at their willingness to receive from their caregivers.

We are all children of God, and are cared for by Him as a parent does for a child. He loves us, feeds our spirit, provides for our needs, and guides us constantly. But the major difference between us and Lucy Jane is that we do not have an unhindered ability to receive from our caregiver. If only we were able to automatically receive all He has to give us without thought, what a difference we would see in our lives! We know where to find our comfort and security, yet we often look in the wrong places to find it. I suppose if we start by acknowledging that we need what God has to offer us, then we might be in a better place to receive it.

When Lucy Jane is hungry, she knows where to turn, and her needs are met. So when your heart and soul are hungry, learn from Lucy! Know where to turn; open yourself up to receive it and your needs will be met! God bless.


Of blasting away the effectiveness of my fragile mind…….

The day is done, the moon is full, and I am once again out on the back porch. I was going to say something about how peaceful it was out here, but apparently someone has taken it upon themselves to light a bunch of firecrackers out front our house in the street. Perfect timing!

Sadly, it has taken my mind away from what I was going to write about tonight and I just cannot seem to get it back! Immediately I began to think about those blasts scaring Ben and waking him up, and then that’s right where my mind stays! Dear Lord I love my stroke-damaged mind! I get distracted, my mind goes there, and there it stays until it’s ready to leave! Oh well, I will not worry about it. I have learned that when I do I only frustrate myself. (I also have learned that I never get distracted thinking about a nice big cheeseburger or a beach either!)

Anyway, let me just say I will try again tomorrow. Sleep is great therapy for me and the Lord seems to be giving me new chances to write this each day! I hope to make the best of it tomorrow. Jesus tells us not to worry, and I try not to…but the firecrackers tonight make that hard. But the sun will bring a new day, and with it God’s Son will bring us all more opportunities!

Nite and God Bless!
