Tag Archives: astronaut

Oh I need some sleep!!!!

One of the things that surprised me in life was being diagnosed with “sleep apnea” last December. I really didn’t want to believe it, after all I was young and in pretty good shape, but sure enough the tests showed it was not only present, but pretty severe.

So January suddenly found me in bed with a mask, a hose, and an air machine turned up so high I could use it to fly kites in my house. It scared me at first, because it was all so “space-age,” but after a few minor additions (such as the astronaut helmet, the space suit, and Little Tyke Space Rocket Steering Wheel) it all seemed rather cool. Suddenly I slept like a baby (an astronaut baby) and began waking up feeling better than I had in years.

Oddly enough though, as I have written about in this blog before, I had a stroke 3 1/2 months after going on the machine. It is supposed to help prevent them, yet I had one despite it. It not only confused me, but it also depressed me. And though I still faithfully wear it, I am beginning to notice some changes.

First of all, Amanda made me get rid of all my astronaut gear, which really makes it less exciting. And now she refuses to call me “Buzz” anymore too. But more than that, despite wearing it (I was going to say “religiously” but priests do most things that way) every night, I am beginning to feel restless, don’t sleep well, and am exhausted when I wake up. It’s just like the old days, but I do want this behind me!

Anyway, I am working to change a few things in my life in the day with the hopes I will sleep better at night. And tonight I am sneaking some Tang and string cheese (the closest thing I can find to the old “space food sticks” I enjoyed as a kid) into my nightstand. Houston may have a problem, but not me tonight. God wiling I will I will accomplish tonight’s mission and wake up well rested and refreshed, and ready to start another day!

Nite my friends…and God Bless!
